"Hello, Audrey." Said Principal Artie.
"Hello..." She answered.
"I heard that you, Nick, and Delphina have been bickering lately... I hope you'll all make up in time for the show...?"
"Yes, sir... I was actually planning on apologizing to them for my rude behavior..." Audrey lied, she wasn't planning on talking to either of them. But, now that she told the principal, she was obligated to do it.
"Great! I'm looking forward to your performance. Ms. Clark has told me so much about how beautiful your voice is and how well you play the guitar, bass, drums, piano-- well, essentially anything you can get your hands on." The principal chuckled, "well, again I'm looking forward to the performance tonight... Have a great afternoon." He then walked off.

"Umm.... Delphina?"
"Yeah?" Delphina turned to face the nervous girl who stood in front of her lunch table. "I-I want to apologize to you f-for anything that I'd done to offend you..." Audrey stuttered. "I um... I hope you'll accept my apology..."
Delphina smiled and nodded. "You really don't have to apologize about anything... I was being a total.. Ahem... Bitch because I spent a whole week without doing drugs... I don't want to end up like my uncle... So, I'm planning on quitting."
"That's great, Delphi," Audrey smiled back.
"Um... Listen, about Nick--"
"Hey, don't worry about it... I won't tell him... Or talk to him af--"
"Andy... We're not together anymore. And whatever I said to you in the locker room, it was not me. Ignore whatever I told you. Do what you want to do."
"Oh... Well, that's not gonna change much... The damage is done..."
"Well, go apologize to him!" Delphina yelled suddenly, startling Audrey. Audrey slowly nodded. "Umm... I'll see you at the show..." She said before disappearing from Delphina's view.
"Now you're talking to me?" Nick asked cynically, not bothering to look at his ex-bestfriend.
"Listen... I'm sorry..." Audrey apologized.
Nick raised his eyebrow and looked directly at Audrey. "What'd I tell you about apologizing to people that don't deserve it."
  Audrey's eyes widened as Nick stood up and gave her a hug. "I missed you."

"Welcome parents and everyone else! Welcome to the little show we have organized. I am the principal of this school and I'm proud to present to you, some of the most talented children in here." Principal Artie announced proudly whilst standing on the stage in the school's auditorium that had been -shockingly- filled with people.
Alicia looked up at the stage and then looked toward her mom. "Where's Audrey? And Nick! Where's Nick?"
"Where do you think they are? Look at the stage." Madison answered with a soft smile plastered in her face.
Audrey, Nick, Calvin, and some other kids they all assumed were their friends, walked onto the stage.
The majority of them appeared to be Asian, but there were a few black and Latin kids mixed into the group, and they were all wearing some what matching outfits.
Nick, at the time, had longer hair than he did now. So long, he had to put his hair in a bun to make sure it'd keep out of the way.
Among the group of teenagers was Nick's girlfriend who was also Audrey's enemy/friend, Delphina.
Delphina was a thin girl with very short hair and tanned skin. She wore ripped jeans and an "EXO" sweater.
"Are you guys ready?" Principal Artie asked, looking toward the group of kids.
They all grinned at him, "yes, sir!"
"Thank you all for coming, this song is called 'Sherlock' by SHINee." Said an Asian boy with dark hair, almost pitch black as a matter of fact.
They all quickly got into a line, making sure their movements matched with the leader of the line as the music began playing.
They danced exactly how they saw the group the performed the song dance.
Before moving onto their next segment, they danced to "Call Me Baby" by EXO, "Mr. Mr." by Girls' Generation, "PONPONPON" by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, "Mama" by EXO followed by "History" by EXO, "Sing" by Ed Sheeran, and "Don't" by Ed Sheeran.
"In a few minutes, we're gonna play a few songs that should sound familiar to all of you!" Delphina announced once she grabbed the mic that sat on the stage floor.
When they came back on stage, there was a drummer already set up for them. Audrey was a holding her guitar even though she had her strap on. She was also wearing a black tank top and baggy black pants that had lots of pockets.
Audrey's guitar was black, but each string was purple as well as the frets and the designs (skulls) on the otherwise black guitar.
Nick had a blue and green bass, it was similar to Audrey's guitar when it came to the string and fret color (which was green), but everything else was completely different. This design on his bass was somewhat like graffitti.
Calvin's guitar was red and orange. Of course, the designs on his guitar were orange flames.
Delphina went to the drums and a blonde white boy walked up to the stage.
With the blonde being the lead singer, they played some Rage Against The Machine songs from the "Battle of Los Angeles" album, "New Millennium Homes", "Ashes in the Fall", and "Testify."
After that set, the blonde walked off the stage and his brother walked up. His brother had dirty blonde hair and a scrawny body.
With him as the singer, they played "Pretty Fly for a White Guy," "You're Gonna Go Far Kid," and "Self Esteem," by The Offspring.
An Armenien boy walked up to the stage and performed "B.Y.O.B.", "Spiders," and "Radio/Video," by System of a Down.
A Dominican boy walked up to the stage and sang "Enter Sandman," "Master of Puppets," and "Sad But True" by Metallica.
Eventually, a tall, teenage Nigerian walked up to the stage with his own guitar as Nick set his guitar down and took the mic. "Well, these next songs are dedicated to a girl I've known for quite a while now. Our relationship has been quite rocky lately due to certain circumstances and I want to make things right and tell her how I feel."
"Pft, what a wuss." Alicia and Audrey said aloud with a laugh. It was quite odd how they could be in different places and manage to think the exact same thing. Hell, it was odd how they could think almost the exact same thing twenty four seven. It was nearly supernatural.
After laughing hysterically at the comment Audrey had made- causing Audrey to get anxious- Bisi, the Nigerian boy that had been holding his blue acoustic guitar for what seemed like forever, began playing. Saving Nick from embarrassment.
Immediately everyone recognized the song that had just begun being played-- "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls.
Everyone sang along like they did for all the other songs they played.
At the end of the song, Nick pulled Audrey toward him, careful not to break it, and kissed Audrey lovingly. Audrey kissed him back and grinned once they pulled away from eachother.
The very last songs were sung by Audrey. She sang "Bury Me Alive" by We Are The Fallen, Lacuna Coil's cover of "Enjoy the Silence" by Depeche Mode. "So, my friends have been telling me I look like Amy Lee... Might as well show you guys I can sing like her, too..." She giggled into the mic. "Um... This song is a song that I listen to whenever I feel down and stuff... It's a song with lots of meaning to me... So if you see me crying, or shuddering, try not to worry." Finally, she played "Lithium" by Evanescence on the piano while singing.
"Audrey! You did great!!!" Alicia complimented. "Like, I'm being serious, you gave me the chills!!!"
"Hehe... Thanks... I almost cried when I was singing the first and last song, I had to stop myself. I love those songs." Audrey giggled nervously, wiping her eyes as she started crying.
"Are you crying?" Madison asked, laughing.
"Yeah, I guess I am..." Audrey sniffled.
"I almost did that while you were up there, myself." Said Madison and Alicia in unison.
Audrey then felt a rough tap on her shoulder.
"Your stupid father is here." Said Ailene.
Audrey looked past the insult and smiled once she saw her father walking over.
"Dad!!!" She yelled, bear hugging her father. That's when she really started crying. "You will not believe how much I missed you..."
"I missed you too, Scorpion..." Derek, her father, hugged her back.
"I see how it is, you spoiled brat. You won't even bother saying 'hi' to me? Your own mother? You see what I deal with everyday?" Ailene complained.
"Sorry, mom.... Hello, mom..." Audrey spoke softly, turning to face her mother.
Audrey held her cheek with her hand whilst attempting to remove her mother's hands from her hair as Ailene yanked it. Everyone's attention turned toward them. Nick was fuming with anger. Madison had to hold him as tightly as she could to keep him from fighting Ailene.
Derek immediately pulled Ailene away from his daughter.
"Don't you ever touch my daughter like that again! I don't give a flying fuck who you think you are. She does not deserve to be treated like this by you at all! So stop!"
Madison's attempt to contain her son was of no use as Nick went lunging at Ailene. Thinking quickly, Audrey stepped in front of the woman, shielding her, causing Nick to stop dead in his tracks.
"Nicki... She's not worth it..."
"She needs to learn, Andy."
"Yeah, but-- AHHHHH!!!!!" Audrey screamed as Ailene stabbed her in the back of her neck. There was blood splurging everywhere. Ailene couldn't help but laugh and, almost instantly, there was a sea of people calling 911. Audrey lost consciousness in a short amount of time. Luckily, she arrived at the hospital in time.
It had been an entire week, yet Audrey hadn't woken up.
Nick was lying on the hospital bed next to Audrey, unable to fall asleep. She slowly began to wake up, although, if she had to be honest, she really didn't want to.
She managed to hear bits and pieces of what the doctor had been saying to Madison after stepping into the room.
"... Very lucky, she is.... Missed her artery and her spinal cord by a centimeter..."
"When will she be waking up?"
"I don't know... Could take months-- years!"
Audrey groaned, her eyes fluttering open.
"Seconds..." The doctor mumbled as everyone else in the room- except for Nick who'd been lying next to her- immediately ran over.
"Andy!! You're alive!" Andrea cried, burying her face in the crook of Audrey's neck, hugging her older sister tightly.
Audrey winced in pain.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I didn't think it would hurt! Umm... What do you need? Am I hurting you now?" Andrea babbled, sniffling.
"Sweetie, I'm okay. Don't worry about me..."
"It's kind of hard not to when your big sister got stabbed in the neck."
Audrey giggled tiredly.
Nick laid there, listening to every word Audrey said.
"Are you going to say anything?" Audrey asked with a smile, looking- well, trying to look- at Nick.
"I'm just really glad you're okay," he answered, tearing up.
"Where's mom?"
There was a long pause.
"They're questioning her about..." Alicia hesitated. "Stuff..." She finished, her eyes darting from place to place.
"Who's questioning her? About what?" Audrey asked suddenly.
"Don't you remember the night of the performance?" Madison asked.
"Yeah. But I blacked out after feeling a sharp pain in my neck..."
"Your mom stabbed you. In front of everybody." Said Calvin.
"Your dad is pressing charges against her." Said Min Ah.
"I don't want him to..." Audrey mumbled.
"She stabbed you!" Nick yelled, growing frustrated.
"So? What's your fucking point?!" She snapped.
"What I want to know, is why the fuck you even bother putting up with this lady! She doesn't love you- she doesn't deserve you! She stabbed you in the back of your neck with a pen she had in her purse, for god's sake! I love you Audrey, and I hate to see you continue to destroy yourself like this. I say, fuck Ailene, let your dad press charges. I hope she has a fucked up time in prison!"
"I'm not destroying myself-- she just doesn't deserve this!"
"Oh? And you do?"
"YES!" Audrey screamed, "I deserve every little thing I get from her. As a matter of fact, I should've died-- I want to die. But, I don't deserve to get the things I want, so I'm still here."
"You don't want that..." Nick stated softly. "You don't want that-- you don't know what you're saying..."
"Well, my mother doesn't know what she's doing, either!"
"Audrey, we're not going to stand here and deny that your mother is a fucking nut. We're not saying that she doesn't have mental issues, but she knows exactly what she's doing. And she feels great about it-- the fact that you're letting her push you around, makes her feel even better than she already does when she's trying to make you feel like shit." Madison paused, "but please. I'm begging you. Don't use that as an excuse for her to treat you in such a terrible way. I hate to see you like this... You're like a daughter to me. You know what, you are my daughter. I don't care what anyone says. I don't feel comfortable whenever you go back to that house, whenever you're near her, and I know you feel the same... I think you should come and live with us..."
Audrey didn't want to argue with anyone at the moment. "Okay... Fine... But what's gonna happen to them?" She asked, pointing at Andrea and Justin.
"We're gonna be fine. You know mom doesn't do anything to us... Our main concern now, really, is you. You almost died. And I'm not sure you heard him say this, Audrey, but mom missed your spinal cord by a centimeter and an artery by -at maximum- three inches. She almost fucking killed you. There is no excuse for that type of behavior. The place she stabbed you- the way she stabbed you- she was going in for the kill. To be honest, I want you to be safe. The only way for you to be safe- is if you get the hell away from that house and never turn back. Don't worry about me- or Justin. We'll be fine." Andrea spoke her thoughts.
"What if she does something to you guys?"
"We'll kick her ass. The same way we should've done for you, but we were big cowards."
"You guys weren't cowards..." Audrey mumbled. Looking over at Nick, Audrey softly stroked his hair. "I'm sorry, Nick."
"I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that..."
She smiled, "I shouldn't have snapped, either."
*Senior Year*
"Wow, you got into Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Juliard, and Berklee? Congratulations, Audrey! I'm so proud of you!" Madison said, hugging Audrey tightly.
  "Yeah... But they're all out of state..."
"So? There's nothing here, anyway!"
   "Congrats, babe..." Nick spoke with a smile.
   "Are you going to be okay?"
"About what?"
"About me going to a school that's on the other side of the country..."
"I'm gonna say something cheesy, but it's the truth... As long as you're happy, I'm happy."
"Are you sure? I can always apply to the college you're going to."
"I'm sure-- You don't have to worry about me going back to doing drugs, I promise you I won't."

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