your second panel first day

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~5 days later~
Beep beep beep
I hit my alarm clock to shut it up
"Beep beep beep"  I hit the person that was making the sound
"Owww what was that for?"
"Sorry I thought you were my alarm clock" I smile
"Meany head I came down here to have a good time and honestly I'm feeling so attacked right now"
"You done (y/b/f/f/'s/n)?
"Yeah I'm done"  she smiles and I know what she's about to say "Done with your whole generation" yep I knew it
"Your only 4 months older than me"
"What time is it?"
"7:45 why?"
"Why did you wake me up so early?"
"Because you haven't even started packing"
"Packing for what?" I asked sleepily
"Your panel we leave really late.... or early whichever you want to call it"
"What time?"
"We leave to go to the airport at 3:45 a.m." my eyes go wide 3:45 a.m.?!  "And the flight leaves at 4:30 a.m."
"Wow I better get started packing if that's tonight" I run off to my room but (y/b/f/f/'s/n) stops me
"That's tomorrow"'
"You should still start packing today"
"Yeah yeah I will but first I'm going to make breakfast I'm starving"
"Your always starving"
"True, so who's all awake?"
"Just me and you"
"K, do you think I should make some for everyone?"
"Yeah or they'll probably complain about not getting any"
"Who will complain about what?" (Y/b/f/f/'s/n) and I turned our head to the voice
"Hey mom your awake"
"You still tired?"
"No of course not why do you ask?" she yawns
"I don't know maybe because your laying down on the couch"
"Yeah yeah smart ass" my mom mumbled and I was kind of shocked
"Wow who spit in your coffee today?" I mumbled so my mom wouldn't hear but of course she heard
"I heard that, and I haven't had any coffee today so if you wouldn't mind making me some I'd be happy" I sighed and started making coffee for everyone
"OK while that's boiling I'll make breakfast"
~20 minutes later~
"Hey mom (y/b/f/f/'s/n) can you do me a favor?"
"Depends, what's the favor"
"Can you go wake up Jared, Jensen, and Misha and tell them breakfast should be ready in about five minutes?"
"Sure" my mom answered and waited for (y/b/f/f/'s/n)"
"What's wrong (y/b/f/f/'s/n)?" I asked a little concerned because she seemed worried
"I can't"
"Why not?"
"I don't think they like me"
"Come on you know that's bull"
"Why do you say that (y/n)"
"Because if they didn't like you they wouldn't of payed for your plane tickets or panel tickets they wouldn't of invited you here"
"You sure?"
"Yes I'm sure"
"Ok thanks (y/n)" she smiles and gives me a hug
"Of course I don't want you to feel insecure and if you do have a concern or you just want to to talk I'm always here" I smile at her
"Thanks I will" she goes with my mom to wake the "boys" up
~5 minutes later~
"I smell breakfast" I hear a sleepy voice come from the living room
"Hey Jared where's everyone else?"
"Trying to get misha up"
"Oh ok"
"Stop being lazy Misha" I hear (y/b/f/f/'s/n) say
"Please get up Misha" I hear my mom say
"I'm going to go and try to wake up Misha you coming Jared?"
"Sure this ought to be interesting"
"No Jensen don't lay down"  my mom says and when we get to Misha's room I see Jensen laying down on the opposite side of Misha
"What happened?"
"Jensen was trying to help us get Misha up but he ended up laying down"
"I heard that"
"Then why don't you get up Jensen?"
"Because he's lazy"
"Shut up Mish your one to talk your laying down to"
"No I'm not"
"Your laying down right next  to me" (y/b/f/f/'s/n) got out her phone and took a picture of Jensen and Misha and I laughed
"Breakfast is ready"
"What's for breakfast?" Jensen and Misha asked at the same time
"I guess you'll just have to find out won't you?" I walked back into the kitchen
~later that night~
Packing is so boring
"Hey (y/n)"
"Hey (y/b/f/f/'s/n)" I said still packing and not bothering to look up
"Do you want help" I stopped packing and looked at her
"You serious?"
"Sure I mean there's nothing else to do"
(A/N: I realized instead of writing  you I've been writing  I. sorry I'll change it back it was just easier to write it that way but I don't mind)
"Wow thanks I can see you care" you said sarcastically and she smiled
"You known that's not what I meant" you smiled and nodded
"So are you going to help me or not?"
"Yeah yeah I'm coming hold your horses"she said as she started walking over to help you
"I hate packing it's almost worse than.." You tried to come up with something to compare it with "homework" you said finally thinking of the  word you were looking for
"You know who whines? Babys"
"Well than I guess I'm a baby" you mumble under your breath
"What was that?"
"Whatever let's just finish packing so I can be done and free"
~10 o'clock p.m. tomorrow ~
"Guys we have to be up in four and a half hours to catch our plane " you heard your mom shout so everyone could hear her
"Shit I should probably set an alarm and take a small nap so I can at least get on the airplane and then fall asleep"
"Yeah me to"
"Hey (y/b/f/f/'s/n)"
"Yes (y/n)?"
"Do you want to sleep in my room since we have to be up so early?"
"I thought you'd never ask" she smiles and crawls into bed
"Goodnight (y/n)"
~3 and a half hours later~
Beep beep beep
"(Y/b/f/f/'s/n) get that please your closer"
"I'm going to make breakfast, wake up everyone, take a shower and finish getting ready k?"
You go to the bathroom, lock the door, get undressed and hop in the shower
~25 minutes later ~
"I'll be done in about 15 minutes I have to finish drying my hair" you shout so (y/b/f/'s/n) could hear you
~15 minutes~
You go into the kitchen and you see (y/b/f/f/'s/n) so you decide to ask for her opinion on what to make
"Do you want bacon or sasauge (Y/bf/f/'s/n)?"
"Hmm both"
"Kay, pancakes?"
"Yeah sure"
"Blueberry or chocolate" you already know the answer but you asked anyway
"Chocolate duh"
"What if I make two pancakes with blueberries along with the chocolate ones? because I think my mom might want blueberries on hers"
"Sounds good to me"
"Eggs or no?"
"Yeah but probably just egg one or something"
"Scrambled or sunny side up?"
"Scrambled so you can make them cheesy"
"Kay, last question  tortillas or biscuits?"
"Both you can put them as an appetizer or a side to go with the food"
"Great thanks"
"No problem  glad I could help"
"Speaking of help do you want to help me cook I know you use to love to help me cook when we were both like 7"
"Yeah of course I'll help with the sasuage and pancakes"
"Ok and I'll help with everything else I guess"
~20 minutes later~
"Can you help me with putting the food on the plate (y/b/f/f/'s/n)?"
"Yeah just give me a sec" (y/b/f/f/'s/n) finishes with the pancakes and then she goes over to you to help you set the table and put food on the plates
"Thanks, also sorry I need your help with something else"
"What is it?"
"waking everyone up"( A/N: dun dun dunnn)
"I'll wake up Jared and your mom"
"Kay I guess that means I got Jensen and Misha"
~5 long minutes later~
"We have to be at the airport in 45 minutes and it takes 20 minutes to get their so we better hurry up and finish eating" your mom tells everyone and you guys start inhaling your food
~At the airport~
"Gate 2 is now open and taking passengers" the lady over the intercom says
"That's us" you guys start walking to gate 2
~10 minutes later~
"Last call for gate 2" you guys start sprinting you know that you at least have 5 minutes before they close the gate but you guys run anyway.
Finally you guys make it to the gate and you board the plane a little out of breath
"I call window seat" you say and sit down before Misha, Jensen, or Jared has the chance to
"What no fair" Misha whines playfully
"Is to" you respond in the same tone
"Remember when we were flying to Dallas for my first panel?" Misha nods his head " you got window seat that time"
"So, I really want to have window seat because this is my second panel and I'm really excited and nervous"
"Fine" Misha pouts " but I call sitting next to window seat"
"Whatever floats your boat" Misha sits down next to you, and Jensen sits down next to Misha. Your mom, (y/b/f/f/'s/n), and Jared sits in the row in front of you guys
(A/N: I'm going to skip to you guys getting to the hotel room. Sorry for all the time skip I'm trying to get to the panel, they might talk about the flight during the panel I guess you'll just have to wait and see c:)

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