Chapter 1: Dropping Anchor In A Storm

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Phil had never been to a club like this before. Never had that much of an interest in it before, either. But after a little persuading from his friends he was filled with so much curiosity, he had to go see what it was like. The idea was innocent enough, it was just dancers. They got undressed on stage but that was all it was. Phil sat with his friends, sipping his drink and watching the current boy on stage getting undressed. It was interesting, to say the least. However, Phil was not sold on the idea of going to these sorts of shows as a regular thing. The boy finished his dance and went backstage. The crew quickly running across the stage picking up clothing as the presenter and owner of the club came up to introduce the next dancer.

"This next one is supposed to be the best dancer here," Phil's friend nudged him so Phil would put his attention on the stage again.

Dan knew it was his turn to go on stage as he heard his music start. He smiled to himself and stepped out, he loved this part. This part of the night, for the next fifteen minutes, he was a dancer, that was all. It wasn't money and wandering hands and strangers calling him baby. For the next fifteen minutes, he got to dance on stage, and he happened to be quite good at it. The boy moved to the center of the stage, looking over his audience for a moment to see what kind of people stumbled in tonight. There were a lot of their regulars, but some new faces too that he saw. His eyes locked with one of these new faces, this face didn't seem to fit in a place like this.

He looked away and rolled his neck, relaxing his muscles and feeling the music as he let it take over his brain and push everything out. Push the logical thoughts like clients, and money. His style of dancing was different from the others, but maybe that was what made him popular. He danced for himself. He danced in a way that made him feel something. He touched his skin the way he would want other people to touch his skin, undressed himself like it mattered, like he mattered. For the next fifteen minutes, he was all that mattered.

Dan started moving to the music, in pre-decided formations and rolls of his hips. Making sure he made eye contact with some of the audience, knowing it made them more interested. Phil focused in on him. He had thought the others were interesting, this one was fully hypnotic. Watching carefully as the boy's hands moved across his body, tilting his head a little as the beautiful boy swayed and leaned down. Dan's fingers danced lightly over his sides and under the hem of his shirt as his movements took him to the left of the stage, his eyes locking with the boy who looked out of place to him

Phil swallowed when he noticed that he was looking straight at him and their eyes met. Unsure of know how he was supposed to react. He kept the gaze for a moment then followed the boy's hands as they moved from the top of his shoulders down his torso, to his stomach, and hips. Making their way to caress in between his thighs. Phil's heart was racing, none of the other dancers made him feel this way, it wasn't just arousal either. There was something so much more there, so Phil couldn't look away.

Dan's legs parted slightly as he rolled his body and dropped downward, ending with his knees on the ground. He licked his lips as his hands ran up his body again. It was all up to him, when he took his clothes off, how much of himself he gave to the people watching him. He was wearing suspenders and snapped them out, flicking back against his body to which he responded by his mouth opening a little, however, there was still a smirk playing about his eyes.

He rolled his hips, hands slipping down so they were sitting under the waistline of his trousers before he rolled his body into a standing position again, he winked at the unusual boy with black hair who didn't fit, as he had been staring at him without looking away. Dan decided it was him he was dancing for tonight. Usually, he did that, chose someone in the audience who perked his interest and directed his attention towards them. As he stood he unclipped his suspenders and strutted to the center of the stage again. His shirt came off, slowly and he made sure to lock eyes with the boy again while he took it off, dropping it to the floor he paid attention to his own chest, hand running over himself, pinching a little when he felt like it. Smirking at the audience, he decided to play it up a little.

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