Chapter 4

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-Five Hours Later-

Zayn lets out a breath of relief as he pulled into the parking lot of the hotel they were staying at. It took him two hours longer then expected, the boys complained about being hungry so they got McDonald which took time, not mentioning the numerous bathroom stops they made.

Zayn got out of the car and opened the back door and quickly unbuckled Connor from his booster seat, where Connor jumped out of a minute later. He quickly passed Zayn and went to stand with William, who was at the boot of the car, waiting for his daddy. Zayn grabbed a sleeping Asher in his car seat, and then closed the door.

Zayn went to the trunk and opened it to let the boys grab their bag, and grabbed Asher's as well. Zayn closed the boot and looked at the boys,"ok, when we get into the hotel, you guys need to quickly get changed into your other clothes so we can go, we are a bit behind schedule."

The two boys nodded, and they headed in, Zayn went to the front desk and grabbed the room key. They then headed towards the lift, they got in and went up and went to their room. Once they were in the room, they didn't waste time, William and Connor followed what their daddy said and got changed into football shorts and their jerseys to match the theme of the match. While they were doing that, Zayn got Asher changed as well as himself.

About 20 minutes later the Malik's were out of the door, in the car, and on their way to the Stadium.

Once they arrived to the Stadium, Zayn got everyone out, Asher was still in his car seat, which was hooked in the stroller, it was easier for Zayn to do that then holding him for the next hours straight.

Zayn watched the two boys skip happily towards the ticket booth, this was the best gift for William and Connor. They got to the counter and the man smiled handing them V.I.P tags, Connor and William look back at their father in shock, Zayn chuckled,"Surprise! Your going to be able to meet your favourite players!"

William and Connor ran towards their dad and engulfed him in a big hug,"Thank you daddy!!"

Zayn had a big smile on his face, paying for those tickets were the best thing he has done so far, he's never seen William and Connor that happy since their father left.......

"Now let's go inside and go watch that game." Zayn said excitedly.

" Yes!" Connor and William yelled as they ran towards the door.

Soon Enough the Malik's were going into the game that was going to change everything.....


A/N: Hey Guys!

I hope you like it so far!

I know this is a bit short! but there's a reason, you'll see next chapter :)

Don't Worry! Liam's coming in the picture SOON!

Maybe next chapter ;P you'll have to see... hehe

I love Feedback, Very Appreciated! <3

Till next time


Legendary 《Ziam/ Zouis Mpreg ( Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt