After the Fall

34 3 0

Words: 1715

Warnings: Very Mild Swearing

Pairing: None.


Jordan opened his eyes to complete darkness, cold and empty. Though before this would've startled him, he breathed as he took in the familiar lack of surroundings. This is the same darkness that his goddess would use to speak to him. He waited for his goddess's message.

When nothing but silence graced his ears, his stomach churned. "Lady Ianite, are you there?" he called out. Nothing. A feeling of uneasiness washed over him, and he took a few steps into the void.

Jordan walked for what seemed like hours, and still nothing but a gaping void. He thought back to the last battle with the evil god Dianite and he tried his best to keep away from the horrible thought of Ianite not making it. He raised his hands up to his mouth and called out once more.

"Lady Ianite! I am here for your message!" he cried. Instead of the familiar echoing voice of the woman, he heard what he thought was sobbing. He spun around to find the source of the crying, but before he could find it, he was blinded by a blinding light.

Jordan fluttered his eyes open and blinked out the heavy sleep. His vision was blurred, as if he hadn't used his eyes in weeks. He brought himself to an upright position and glanced around his surroundings.

It looked as if he was sitting in a small jail cell. His personal cell was surrounded by thin metal bars, which made him worry as to what happened to result in this.

In the neighboring cells were his friends. Jordan smiled in relief as his friends spoke to one another through their own cells. He jumped up to a stand, his feet echoing on the dark stone floor.

Heads swiveled towards him, followed with bright, welcoming smiles. Tucker jumped from his bed where he was communing with Sonja and dashed to Jordan's open cell. Sonja followed him with Tom coming from the other side.

"Damn, I thought you'd never wake up!" Tucker exclaimed jokingly. Jordan nudged his arm with a smile, but was immediately taken aback from Sonja's sudden hug. He returned it and turned to Tom, who was waiting behind the couple.

"G'morning, Sleeping Beauty," he teased, holding out his arm for a shake. He looked at the Captain with sleepy, yet sarcastic black eyes. It looked as if the zombified man had just woken up.

Jordan took his forearm and pulled him into a hug. It felt as if he hadn't seen his friends in months. He felt as though he'd been asleep for months, come to think of it.

Echoing footsteps brought the gang out of their joyous reunion. Tom slipped away from his friends and walked up the stone steps toward the door. "Is anyone out there?" he shouted at the door. An aggressive flapping sound came as an answer, and a smiling young face appeared in the door windows.

"Ah, they speak!" the new face exclaimed. A click of a lock sounded throughout the jail as the iron doors swung open. Tom turned around to the others and nodded towards the opening. Quickly, Sonja and Tucker jumped out of the door after Tom with Jordan following closely behind.

The group filed out into a small walled clearing. The sun had just finished its voyage over the sky as the sky began to darken. Jordan took notice of the young man before them. He couldn't have been more than 18 years old, with eyes a piercing blue and aggressively curly brown hair.

"We were starting to get worried when you four didn't wake up." the boy said. "One of you must have a very hard head. You nearly snapped Larz's boat in half falling from the sky!" he exclaimed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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