My Bright Flower Girl

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"Mummy! Mummy!" A little girl skipped toward a young woman calmly sipping her tea at a table. The girl's movements made her lustreless pink hair bounce down to hair shoulders.

"Yes, dear?" The young woman replied. Her hair, a darker hue of the little girl's, was tied up into a lopsided pony tail, and she had similar features to the girl, except for her eyes which were a crystal blue.

The little girl looked up at her mother, hazel green eyes sparkling with excitement. "Are we going to the flower garden today?" Her mother placed down the now empty tea cup and nodded at her daughter in response.

"Yay!" The girl cheered, jumping and clapping her hands, causing her mother to let out a merry laugh.

"Well then, you go get ready." She stood up, taking the plate and cup into the kitchen. The little girl happily agreed before racing off to her room.

It was a pleasant drive to the flower garden. The two exchanged jokes and chattered cheerily. Now, they stood in a world where petals were seen in all colours. The little girl's mouth dropped wide open, awestruck by the scent and scenery of flowers. "Wo~w!" She then grabbed her mother's hand, picked up her white and light fuchsia coloured dress that reached just below her knees, and sped off. Her mother laughed and asked her to slow down, but the girl was too focused on getting to see every blooming plant.

They went and admired every single flower they could find in the enormous garden. Her mother took many photos, and so did the little girl.

"Want to go and eat now?" The mother suggested, and the exhausted girl panted out a 'yes.' Her mother's sky blue eyes then began to glimmer, indicating to the young girl that her mother was planning something.

"Where are we going, Mummy?" Her mother didn't respond, instead, she hoisted her daughter onto her waist, since she was carrying a bag on her back, and began to walk in a direction unknown to the girl.

After a while of repeatedly asking the same question, they entered a grassy, secluded setting with many saucer magnolia and flowering crabapple trees. The little girl's eyes widened and shone with wonder, and her mother gently set her down. Her gaze traveled to a nearby lake edged with long grass. It was not entirely clear, as it had a tinge of green, but the the pink haired girl still stared in amazement. The blue eyed woman chuckled at her daughter's actions.

"Come on, sit down." She had already laid a picnic mat right under a tree, and had set out to food too. The little girl trudged over and sat beside her mother as she handed her a sandwich. "So... what do you think?"

"It's- it's just- amazing- beautiful- just-" the girl stammered, frowning at the difficulty of putting the place's beauty into words. She shook her head to keep her wavy hair out of her face. Her mother warmly smiled and took a bite into her own sandwich.

"I get what you mean."

They sat in a comfortable silence, listening to the chirping birds and the rustling of the grass and leaves. The young girl's mother suddenly stood up. "Close your eyes for me sweetie! I have a surprise for you."

The girl was hesitant, as she saw the same indication of planning in her mother's eyes. But nevertheless, she still complied by the older woman's words.

There was a moment of continuous crinkly sounds before the pale skinned girl felt something light placed upon her head. There was the sound of a camera going off, before her mother said, "you can open your eyes now darling!"

She did. And came face to face with a picture of her cute little face, wearing a flower crown consisting of pink and white flowers as well as leaves of different colours. Her hand immediately raised up to her head, and sure enough, she felt the texture of petals beneath her fingers.


"Yes, dearie?"

"Is there a reason for this present?"

Her mother then gave a smile that the little girl found the most beautiful thing in the world, more than any flower in the world, more than any present her mother would ever give her, and one thing that she would treasure forever along with the next words she said.

"Because, dearie, you are the bright flower that has lit up my life. You are my bright flower girl."

There was a pause, before her mother looked worriedly at her child. "Is... something wrong?" The girl shook her head before replying,

"It's just that I've never heard someone saying, 'bright flower girl' before." She then pulled a funny look. "You're weird mummy. But in a good way."

"Is that so?"

That afternoon carried on with the two's lilting laughters accompanying the sweet chirping of the birds.

The rain poured down from the thundering sky, splashing right onto the letters engraved into the stone in front of me. I blankly stared at those letters, as memories, words and pictures flashed before my eyes, then disappearing into the darkness. Only one phrase repeatedly echoed in my ears.

You are my bright flower girl.

The words of the person I cherished most in this world.

My dull eyes stung with the same burning pain of loss that seared through my heart. A warm substance then rolled into my freezing cheeks.

I pictured her smile once more as I continued to stare down at my mother's grave. The picture then soon began to fade from my mind, and I broke down into sobs, joining the sky in its eternal cry.

You are the bright flower that has lit up my life.

You are my bright flower girl.


Yay! Done! If you see any mistakes, tell me please! And also, if you think i should improve me writing, tell me that tooooooooooo!

^another pic of the bright flower girl

Shank chu for weadinnggggggg~!

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