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I pulled into my parking spot, resting my head on my steering wheel not wanting to go inside and face Steph. A Few years back my sister and I opened a art gallery actually the only good thing in my life. I pulled my shades up ,grabbing purse and Coffee I made my way inside. As so as the tip of my heel stepped inside she jumped on my case.

"You are aware that you're an hour late we have a VIP client coming in we need to be on our grind today."

I simply answered ok not turning my attention from my cup of coffee. I heard my phone going off in my purse. Reaching for it I rolled my eyes once I seen it was August. I took a deep sigh before answering.


"Sup ma you aint leave me no breakfast!."

He can't be serious right now. I took a deep breathe before speaking. "August did you look in the microwave, isn't that where I always leave your food." I Said in a sarcastic tone.

He sucked his teeth I guess annoyed with what I just said. " Don't get cute.","what time you getting home today?."

I'm not sure yet we got a VIP client coming in so that could run a little late.

He hated when I came home late I really don't know why it's not like he's happy when I get there. I waited for him to speak so I could hang up and start my day.

"Yea ight your hoe ass better not be giving your "client" the VIP special, you get my drift!.'

He hung up before I could Respond, This can't be life how did I end up with such a little ass boy. I really need to fix my life. I threw my phone back in my bag so I could start my morning routine. basically when I'm not editing pictures I turn on some soft music, set out some refreshments and make sure all the display lights are working. I still have a great eye for photography I don't do to much celebrity work anymore but my gallery is going very well. There was a tap at my office door , here we go.

"Come in! "I said putting on a happy upbeat tone.

Steph came in not saying a word, she sat across from me and crossed her legs she leaned in close to my desk before speaking. "How long you gonna let that worthless piece of shit do this to you."

I stood up not wanting to hear this again but she commanded me to sit down. "Steph please not today I just...."

"Just what can't leave him?...and If not today when....he's gonna kill you and I'm gonna be hurt because you wont let me help , we can move ,call the cops I can help but you won't let me. " she continued yelling which turned into crying honestly that shit went into one ear and out the other don't get me wrong I definitely care about what my sister is saying And I don't wanna hurt her but I love August he wasn't always like this he did love me too but once his second album flopped he went into a deep dark depression, he gets high all the time he started drinking heavy he even does a few lines of coke here and there. He tried a rehab and did get clean but his brothers passing sent him into a even darker place which he never came back from.

"YOU DIDNT HAVE TO HAVE THIS LIFE YOU HAD A CHOICE AND YOU CHOOSE DOWN!!!." was the last thing I heard her yell before she stormed out of my office slamming the door behind her. I'll admit those words did hurt because I know what shes referring to the night I chose August over Trey.I think about that night sometimes Trey was willing to erase all I did with August if I picked him. But I was to far gone with August at the time. Trey even tried to get me back after that but I was in too deep. I rubbed the scar on my shoulder lost in my thoughts.

" Tahj our client is here early."

I nodded my head, adjusted my dress and headed out to greet my client. As I approached her an steph talking I gave her the typical female size up she was about 5 foot nothing caramel complexion real tiny she had on expensive clothes so she spends money she was very bubbly and up beat. She smiled alot and I couldn't help but notice the huge rock on her finger oh yea she has money.

I walked up to them and she instantly turned to me and started talking. "Hi I'm Danielle I love your work my office is a few blocks from here sometimes I grab lunch across the street and I always admire your photos. "

"Thank you I appreciate That,do you see anything in particular that you like?."

"Actually I do but I also had a question I'm getting married in a few months and wanted to possibly hire you as my photographer my fiance is on his way in he's just looking for parking I promise he will write you a check right now or we have cash, credit what ever you want we have just please say yes i'll pay double."

'Wow I'm honored but I don't typical do weddings anymore." Steph nudged me in the side and gave me the bitch get this money look. Before I could Respond she was yapping again she started fumbling around in her purse and pulled out a paper and pen she wrote something down and handed it to me. I opened it and saw $10,000 steph and I looked at each other. " I can't accept this."

She gave me a pout face."do you need more?."

Damn this chick really does have Money.

"No what I mean is thats to much I'll do it for $5,000."

She squealed and hugged me catching me off guard. "Im so sorry but Im super excited."she whipped out her check book and wrote me a check she insisted on paying me $7000 since it was so short notice ,steph went and drew up the contract and got her a receipt while I listened and wrote down her vision for the wedding. As we talking the door alarm rung but I didnt left my head I kept writing I could hear someone approach us mostly likely her fiance.

I heard her talking to him confirming that my guess was right.

"Baby she agreed to do the wedding and for cheaper then we thought."

He held out his hand for me to shake causing me to finally look up I swear my heart damn near burst out my chest.

Trey?. I Thought to myself

Danielle in the Multimedia

The Grass Isn't Always Greener.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora