Chapter 2

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"I-I u-u-uh," I managed to stutter out. A blush coated my cheeks and I turned my head so that Karou couldn't see his effect on me.
"Your cute," he said nonchalantly as he laughed a little. I ,cautiously, sat down on the edge of the fountain and he followed my lead by sitting right beside me. Our shoulders were touching and so were our legs but I tried to ignore it. Though the thing is, it's impossible to ignore. Where our legs met, warmth radiated from his leg over to mine and that only made me blush more. Every time Karou took a breath, his shoulder would slide against mine and my breath became more shaky. Goosebumps littered my body from head to toe and I was becoming a nervous,stuttering,blushing mess.
                "Are you ok?" He asked. He looked at me with concerned golden eyes and a shiver raced down my spine. I quickly nodded and stood.
                "I-I-I should g-get going n-now," I stuttered. I began to quickly make my escape until his hand grabbed my wrist. When I turned to look at him, I saw a blush coating his cheeks as he panted. I didn't even realize that I had run from him.
                "Running away again," he said as he offered me a gentle smile. I stared at him as if he was insane but my gaze quickly moved to his hand that still held my wrist. It was like there was warmth flowing from his fingertips and I felt energized. This can't be happening! I was only going to the host club to get information about the Hitachiin twins not fall in love with them! My father's orders were very clear and I obviously didn't have the heart to follow them. Father wants to ruin the Hitachiin business and he asked me to get info on them but I can't do it! I will disappoint father again. All I want to do is please him.
"P-please I h-have to g-go," I stuttered out again as I weakly tried to pull my wrist away from his grasp. To be honest, I didn't want him to let go so I didn't pull my wrist away as strongly as I could have. Sadly, he let go and I rushed back into the school. For awhile I wondered the halls and just reflected. This host club will change my life and I don't like it.
                "Wait!" I heard his voice yell from behind me. He was panting again but this time I didn't turn around to look at him. I couldn't bear the guilt that would undeniably eat at me if I saw his face.
"You'll come see me tomorrow right? You seem intresting," he said. I could hear the genuine kindness in his voice and I couldn't stand it. Slowly, I turned to see him only a few inches from me.
"I-I'm s-s-sorry," I whispered before gathering all the strength I still had in my body before taking off into a fast sprint. I didn't hear his footsteps behind me that signaled he was following me. As soon as I saw a corner I ran behind it and peeked on him. He had a look of confusion on his face before his brother joined him.
"Why did you chase that girl?" He asked. He placed his arm on Karou's shoulder and used Karou to keep from falling over.
"I don't know. There was just something about her," he whispered as he stared out like he was in a daze. His brother shrugged before grabbing his wrist.
"I guess it doesn't really matter," he whispered. His eyes flitted across the area until he spotted me spying on them. A wry grin made it's way onto his face and he looked like he was about to speak. I placed my finger on my lips and rapidly shook my head. Hikaru just smirked at me.
"What are you waiting for Hikaru?" Karou asked. After all, Hikaru had been staring at nothing and gripping Karou's wrist for quite a while now. It would look quite odd from his younger more naive brother's point of view.
"Oh nothing Karou," he said as he pulled Karou off. I assume he went back to the host club. Suddenly the bell that signaled lunch was over rang and tons of disappointed girls came from the direction Hikaru and Karou had just went. They traveled in huge herds of girls and their annoying high pitched squeals could be heard form a mile away. It seems that they were all holding a book with pictures of the host club inside. Their quality were terrible and they looked like scenes that had been done over and over and over again. A blurred photo of the twins embracing,a picture with only half of Tamaki wooing girls,and a picture of Honey sitting on top of Mori only it looked like the person taking the picture dropped the camera when it was being taken. The only good photo in the entire book was Haruhi smiling calmly at some girls. This is boring stuff that they do all the time. If they had a better photographer then I bet these books would go off the charts...

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