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(Azria's POV) 

After I went off we went back In the gym. Sonya was telling everyone what happened because people were looking dead at me giving me stank looks. But they wasn't gonna say shit to my face though. It's always behind my back or they say It a near distance so I can hear but never says It to my face. These bitches not trying to see me though. I swear I cannot wait until the summer so I can lose this weight off , they won't be talking about my weight much longer. They'll be on my dick HEAVY.

(End Of POV) 

 Mr.Upson called the 9th graders and 10th graders to the floor. The 9th graders were on one side and the 10th graders were on another. The school's gym teacher Mr.Charles put the red dodge balls on the line that separated both grades and he blew the whistle . the 10th graders stayed back and let the 9th graders pick the balls up because they had a strategy. The 9th graders threw the balls with all their might , a couple of people got hit and others caught the balls.Sonya so happened to catch the ball and all she was aiming at was Azria. Azria caught her bluff and was ready for her to throw the ball, as soon as Sonya threw the ball she got hit In the head which caused her to fumble. The person that threw the ball was Raquel.

Raquel:I got your back Azy 


People started getting hit from left to right, some people got back In because their classmates caught the ball. On my side there was Azria,Raquel,these guys named John,Ian,and Jojo. On the 10th grade side It was Olivia,Kayden,5 10th grade guys. At this point the 10th graders had more people , the 9th graders weren't goners just yet. They still had a chance to win It for the freshmans. Balls soon began flying again , Sonya yelled for Kayden and Olivia to throw the balls at Azria and Raquel. Like the bitches they were they threw the balls at Azria and Raquel but missed , after that they both teamed up and threw their balls straight at Kayden and Olivia hitting them In their stomachs and faces. The 9th graders eventually won , the whole class came over and crowded around the remaining people In the game who won for them. Azria felt liked for the first time by everybody. The 10th graders were looking salty and the 11th graders laughed at them for losing to freshmans. Next It was the 11th and 12th graders turn. Azria sat down breathing hard and took a sip of some water. She glued her eyes on Xavier , whom waved In her direction which made her wave which made Xavier look at her confused.

Raquel:I don't think he was waving at you 

Azria:Then who?

Raquel:That bitch up there 

Azria looked back and saw Olivia smirking at Xavier , then she saw Azria and shrugged. 

Azria:I cannot stand that bitch 

Raquel:Why don't you just beat her ass already , I don't even care If ya'll are like cousins 

Azria:That's the thing we're supposed to be cousins but that bitch treats me like a stranger outside of our families gathering together, plus she's coming to my going away dinner. Sometimes I think they force her to come to chill with us , the bitch pretends too hard 

Raquel:Plus she knows you like Xavier too , I think she envies you 

Azria:I believe she does too 

Raquel:When are you going to tell him that you like him? 

Azria:I don't even know , probably at the dinner 

Raquel:Oh shit! Do It 

Azria:But what If he doesn't like me back? 

Raquel:Then fuck him In the asshole 

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