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(Krystals pov) (awsome name, huh?)


I sat on my bed sobing. They bullied me again. Those stupid jerks! While my parents thought my white hair was uneqe (however you spell it), the bullies kept saying I looked old! I'm not. I huged my pillow and sobed into that. When I looked up, everything was difrent shades of grey. I started to sob a bit more. That is, until a yellow triangle thing with black arms, legs, feet, hands, bowtie, and floating tophat apeared. He only had one eye and held a black cane. He reminded me of a Dorito chip, and he was... Tap dancing?

"Da delede da deda~." He said in a sing-song tone. I started to smirk, then snicker, then laugh. I stoped and wiped my eyes to see him clearer.

"Who are you?" I asked. He seemed to sit, but was still floating.

"The name's Bill Cipher. What's yours?" He asked in an odd sounding voice.

"My name is Krystal." I said. "What are you? Why are you here?" I asked. He floated closer to me.

"I'm an all knowing being of pure energy. Also known as a Dream Demon. I don't know exactly know why I came, but do you wan't to make a deal?" He asked and he held out his right hand that became engulfed in a blue flame. I was shocked and put my head behind the pillow. "Woah, woah, woah! It's fine. See?" I poked my head out and looked to see him touching his palm with the fingers on his left hand.

"What's the deal?" I asked.

"Once you turn sixteen, come to a place in Oregon called Gravity Falls. I have something only you can do, okay? And, so you know I'm not lying, I'll give you something in return." He said and held out his hand again. I thought for a second and shook his hand. "So whadya want, kid?"

"I kinda want a..." I thought for a second. "I don't exactly want anything. But, if you need to give me something, give me your bowtie." Bill tilted his 'head'.

"You sure?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. "Very well." He haded me his bowtie and a new one formed on his 'neck'. "I'll see you in yer dreams. And remember, kid. Reality is an illusion! The universe is a hologram! Buy gold! Biiiiye!" He disapeared and the colors returned to normal...


I opened my eyes slowly. Bill. He was there. But wasn't at the same time. Did he intentionaly do that as an excuse to get away? I looked out the bus window. I watched as a sign labled 'Welcome to Gravity Falls!' passed by. I opened my backpack and took out a small bag of doirtos. Once the bus stoped, I got off and looked around the town. It was nice. Not too big, not too small. Just perfect.

"Okay, Bill. What do you want me to do?" I asked myself. My necklace felt like it was tuging me in one direction. I walked towards the northern part of the town. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and walked on calmly.

After a while, I had come to a house in the woods.

"The Mystery Shack?" I asked myself. I shruged and walked in. It looked like a tourist thing. I felt my necklace tug me over to a wall filled with difrent stuff. "Okay, Bill. Just wait a minute." I said as my necklace tugged harder. It relaxed a bit. I scaned the stuff and reached for a crystal-like jewl. I observed it for a few seconds. It was prety cool. I looked at the price to see it was fifteen dolars. I decided it was worth it. And walked over to the register.

"Hey. You buying something?" Asked a girl around my age with red hair.

"Yep. This." I showed her the jewl and she nodded. I handed her the fifteen dolars and then folowed my necklaces tug again after puting it in my backpack. It led me to a beautyful gold-threaded dream catcher with vast white feathers and preacous black, white, and blue gems. It reminded me of Bill, in a way. I touched it and felt the white feathers on it. The price was fifty dolars... I only had ten dolars left.

"Can you give me some?" I whispered to my necklace. I felt paper form in my hand. I looked down to see a hundred dollars in tens in my hand. "Thanks." I whispered again. I grabed the dream catcher and walked back to the girl. I handed her the fifty dolars and walked out of the door.

"What now?" I asked. My nacklace pulled me somewhere. I blindly followed. I walked to the midle of a forest. I heard something behind me. I turned to see noone. I pulled out my necklace and held it up. Everything turned grey and Bill apeared.

"So, Krys. This is what you look like after eleven years." He floated around me. "Good. Now. Buisenus. Show me the dream catcher." I pulled out the golden beauty and showed it to him. His eye widened and he floated close to it.

"Is this it?" I asked. "For the job?"

"... No. I need something else, too. A journal." He said.

"A... Journal?" I asked. "What does it look like?"

"It has a red cover and a six-fingered hand with a number on it. I don't know exactly where it is, but-." Bill was inturupted by someone.

"Bill! What are you doing here!?" Yelled a boy that looked around twelve or so. A girl that looked somewhat like him also came out from behind a bush. They both stared at me and Bill. Bill seemed to pay them no mind.

Lie, Krys. Bill said telepathicaly. His hand bacame engulfed in a blue flame. I have a plan to get these two to believe anything you say. I trusted Bill.

"So do we have a deal, or no?" He asked. He held out his burning hand. He turned to the twosome. "Oh! Hey, Pine Tree, Shooting Star. I was just anout to make a deal." He still held out his hand.

"Don't do it!" The girl shrieked and the boy lunged at Bill. I took a step back and acted confused. Bill dodged and crossed his arms. He looked at the two in an unamused way.

"Get out of here, Bill!" The boy yelled and Bill sighed.

"... Fine. I will be back, though. Ready to make a deal~!" He seemed to smirk and disapeared. The world became the normal colors.

"Who are you?" Asked the girl.

Bill Cipher: Friend or Foe?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat