Opportunity of my life

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Hi everyone my names Irene Renee Cara. I'm 16 and I have two sisters Tamme who we call sista, Diana who we call Dee, and I'm the baby of the bunch.We lived in a tiny apartment that only had two bedrooms one was our that we shared and the other was momas. We lived in the Bronx. See in the Bronx you either black, Italian or of a Spanish decent, and everyone here spoke Spanish. I was sitting I the kitchen doing sistas hair explaining what happened today. "Like real shit I could become famous or some shit Tam" "Really he said he'd sign your she glared at me. "No sista all of us me you and Dee" "But I'm going to medical school" Dee said. "Yeah but medical school expensive even with your half off scholarship you still the need the other half and with moma working as a made and cleaning up after white people and watching they kids you know we can't afford it. We need this job" They looked at me for a minute. "I'm not completely sold" Sista said. "Well listen here sista pretty soon your gonna need some where of your own because I know you tired of sharing one third of a bedroom" She stayed quiet. " What about moma" "We tell her when it's right" I said. They stayed quiet."We'll see Irene but we need to get ready for that show tomorrow night" "Hey your the one who never rehearsed" "I don't need rehearsal I'ma natural" "Natural crammer" "Shut up, and Tanae stop feeding your face put some of that food up" "No I need it to live" My cousin Tanae said. I started laughing. "What tall still doing up" "Irene is doing my hair for church tomorrow" Sista said."Oh well Irene hurry it up and finish I don't need my electricity bill higher than what it already is" "Yes Ma'am" I spoke.

"I just love seeing all them beautiful smiles on my precious black folks loving God" Pastor Muncie said. He makes me laugh. I looked to my left and saw Sista lookin bored as usual.

Here I am at church. See I never really attend church but Dre was talking about his aunt wanted us to be there. I just don't see why I had to go I wish I could have just slept in. "Dre there she go" I said pointing to Irene. "Damn who is that next to her" "Those her sisters Tamme and Dee" I said. "Damn" The choir soon started singing but I couldn't make out their voices damn. I looked over at Dre, he must be spun by Tamme. She was bad though I can admit that but the bad ones are the ones who cause the trouble . Dre better watch out, and she's feisty too oh good luck."He looking at the those girls right there" A light skin boy said "Yeah why" "They all fine and they all can sing they moma crazy though" and old lady behind us popped both of us in our ears. "Yall know better" She whispered.Finally church was over and we could leave. I saw Irene standing alone so I went up to her.
He's walking up to me I'm so nervous I don't have a clue on what I should do I can hardly feel my cheeks. "Irene wassup" "Oh hey Eazy" "So I see you don't have have a cigarette on you" "Shh" I said looking behind me."No I dont" "So just when are you gonna sing for me because I have to be in California in two weeks" "well actually we're singing tonight, maybe you should stop by" "Where is it" "Cliff Bells" "Ight Irene and don't smoke cigarettes there bad for your lungs" He said while holding my chin. His lips were so soft and plumped and juicy I wanted so bad to kiss him right now but I knew it wasn't the time or place.

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