Chapter 7- ...And What She Dares _______.

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Brandon POV

So...Nikki had dared Marcy, of all people, to crack an egg over Willow's head. I wouldn't've expected her to do that, but she did, so hurray for her.

Now she was going to ask someone.

"Hmmm," Marcy said thoughtfully. "Hmm, hmm, hmmmm."

Willow said she wasn't playing until she had a shower, but Chloe still wasn't done, so we'd have to wait a while. That left either Theo, Zoey, Nikki, or me.

"Brandon," she said."Truth or dare?"

"Dare," I said,"I'm brave!"

"My words," Willow muttered. "You can't steal my lines!!"

I shrugged, and brushed my fingers on my T-shirt as if to check my manicure. "And you, Willow, can't tell me what to do."

She shook her head. "Moron." I grinned. Nikki laughed.

"Okay!" Marcy shouted. I was kinda surprised. I've barely ever heard her talk, much less shout.

"Brandon, I dare you to...drink toilet water."

Man, for that shy of a girl, she sure is evil. I looked around the room.

"You don't really expect me to do that, do you?"

They just gagged. "No way."

"Tell me," said Marcy,"You can take off your shirt and pants, or drink toilet water. "

Whoa. I had not expected this side of Marcy. And why had I taken my flip-flops off when I got here?

"Okay," I said. Nikki looked at me like I was crazy. Which I probably was.

"Really, Brandon?" She asked. I shrugged. I didn't really want to sit there in my boxers for the rest of the time.

We all walked downstairs to use that bathroom. I can't believe I was actually going to do that. Gross.

I peered through the bathroom door. "I think the bathroom is broken."

Marcy yelled,"DO IT!!" She was just plain, uh, annoying.

I forced myself to reach down into the toilet and grabbed a handful of water. "Ewww!" Said Nikki.

I swallowed it quickly.

I turned back to the rest of them. Other than Marcy, they were astonished, I guess you would say. I'm not good with terminology. Or was that even what terminology was....

Willow handed me the mouth wash. I took it gratefully. And drank some of it. Oh, well.

Zoey looked at all of us. "C'mon, let's go back up. I think Chloe's done."

Then we heard the door bell ring. Willow ran and got the door. It was Marcus.

Marcus looked Willow up and down, noticing she had egg all over herself. "Wha--"

"Long story, truth or dare," she interrupted. "Wanna play?"

Marcus shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

We led him upstairs, where Chloe was waiting for us.


My turn. This was gonna be good.

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