3. Moving Day

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Five hours. It has been five hours, two minutes and five seconds since Scott and I had the deal. But, until now, it still hasn't sunk in yet.

"Alekseis, get your butt out of the couch and bring me more boxes." Phoebe demanded. Did I forget to tell you that they are now packing my things? Yes? Well now you know. According to them, the sooner I move my ass out of that shitty apartment, the better. Vanessa's words, not mine.

I sighed and moved to do what Queen Phoebe wants. On my way to the storage cabinet, I see Scott checking out my bookshelf. Yes, even that asshole came with us. Five hours of being around me taught me that this guy is always smiling. As in always. He didn't even blink an eye when his cousins demanded to go back to my apartment and pack my things. He just smiled at me and asked if he can come. Of course, who am I to say no? We would need his muscles in lifting my books.

"A fan of JK Rowling?" he asked while looking at the back cover of Silkworm.

"Yes. And, if you value your life, you will make sure that no part of my book is tampered and you will put it where you got it."

He raised his eyebrow at me. "Can I borrow this one?"

Huh. Never saw him as a reader. "Sure. Just, take care of it okay? I'm one of those whose so obsessed with their books."

"Enough chitchatting and start packing, bitches!"

We both jumped at the sound of Phoebe shouting behind me. Jesus! It's not like we have a deadline to meet! I don't know why they're rushing! But, of course, since I am so patient, I just flipped her the bird and left to get her the boxes she needed.

Thankfully, packing only lasted for two hours. By the time we were done, it was already dinnertime. Vanessa and Phoebe are now arguing where to eat at the backseat of Scott's truck while I am talking to my landlady on the phone about the move.

While they were busy arguing, Scott leaned and whispered to me, smirking, "Wanna get some groceries and I'll just cook at your house?"

I looked at him. Since when are close to hang out with just the two of us? Feeling close much?

I opened my mouth to refuse politely but once again, Tweedledum beat me to it. "Oh my gosh Phoebe! They're gonna ditch us for a romantic date! Yiiieeeeee!!!"

Both Tweedledee and Tweedledum squealed like pigs at that. If only I have laser eyes like Superman, I'll blast these idiots right now. Damn you Scott! Damn you!

"Yes. So shut up before Alekseis change her mind." the laidback idiot answered.

"I haven't even said yes yet!"

He just smirked at me. "I already agreed in your behalf."

"That doesn't make sense, idiot!"

"While y'all are arguing, we'll say goodbye. Scott, use protection, okay?" Phoebe suddenly said. They were rushing to get out of the truck and that's where I realized that we are in front of Vanessa's house. Sneaky bitches.

"So what do you want to eat?" Scott asked me nonchalantly, as if he didn't just kidnap me. After we dropped them, Scott drove to the supermarket that I know is not far from his house.

I'll say this again. If only I'm Superman. I can kill him with my laser eyes. But, as it happens, I'm not. And if he's like his cousins, I won't have any other choice but to patronize this dumbass. Doesn't mean i won't try, though.

"I don't eat with strangers." I glared at him. It seems like all I do is glare at Scott Eastwood.

"Right. But, we're not strangers. We're soon-to-be roommates!" he exclaimed, attracting the attention of other people.

"What the fuck?! Lower your voice! The last thing I need is for reporters to show up and ambush us!" Is he always so energetic? I thought he just broke up with his girlfriend? Isn't he supposed to be all brooding and gloomy?

"Psssssssh... I'm not that famous. I don't get ambushed by reporters." he told me while smiling. Does this idiot ever frown?

I chose not to comment at that. Not famous? Is this kid living under a rock? I just shrugged and walked around the supermarket for something that attracts my tastebuds. Hmmmm... Pizza sounds good. But, I want some spaghetti too. I want some tacos! Gosh! I hate supermarkets! The different kinds of food look so yummy!

"Babe, we can have spaghetti and pizza for tonight then tacos for tomorrow. You can stop glaring at them while licking your lips. You look creepy. "

I turned my glare at his smirking face. I didn't even know I was glaring! And "babe"! What the hell?!

"Don't call me babe. I'm not a city pig."

He just shrugged and proceeded to take what we need for pizza and spaghetti. "Just hurry up. I'm so hungry I can eat you."

"You won't because you're looking at the only person who can fix your laptop." I answered smugly.

He chuckled and we went to the counter to pay. When it was our turn, I got my wallet out to pay for our items when Scott put his arm around my shoulders.

"Nope. Don't even think about paying."

I was about to protest but his hand covered my mouth. Why are these people always cutting me off? Is it a family trait or something?

He just removed his hand when he was done paying while the cashier smile at us in a very creepy way.

When we reached his house, we were walking to the door when he suddenly stopped. I looked around him and saw a girl, precisely a beautiful girl, glaring at him.

"How dare you replace me with this witch!" she screeched. Witch? Me?! Don't tell me this is-

"Sasha. What are you doing here?"

Fuck. This is his ex-girlfriend?! Kill me now, please!

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