Chapter 1

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Claire's POV

" Here we go again! " I said as I picked up my phone. I was seriously so tired of Todd. No matter how many times he apologized, I was NOT letting him back in! I caught him at dinner with my cousin, I think that says enough! I took a few deep breaths trying to focus on something other than that memory. I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. " Are you kidding me! Spongebob's not on right now?!? Ugh! " Yes I'm 23 and still watch spongebob. Don't judge! Maybe I just needed to walk. Walking is like some type of calming solution for me. Especially when its raining outside! My music, raincoat, and boots and I'll be good! I checked the weather on my phone trying to avoid the missed call notification from Todd. " 86 degrees?! PERFECT walking weather! " I changed into my running shoes, sweatpants, and tied my hair back. I was all set! Now JUST to walk the stress off.

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