Fake Bitches

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Chapter Uno;

We were very popular in school. All athletics were. Everybody cared about us until they came along. Cheerleaders basically took over the school with their looks, tumbles, and their preppy attitude.

I don't see why everybody likes them? I mean some of them are just preppy little bitches. I mean seriously my bestfriend forgot about me once she became one. Like c'mon can't we just get along here? I never understood them?

It seems cool to be able to tumble and all, but they are not the only ones that work their butt off! If anything I think we practice more then them. We have soccer practice Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Fridays we have games. Our spring break is basically gone since we have tournaments. We practice the whole week than here comes a tournament. WOOP! And for what? Nothing?

We matter too you know? Football players also practice same as us. Not on the same days but they share the same field as us. We basically live on those fields. We were raised on those fields our whole lives. Yet no one cares. If I don't remember... this is probably the first year in like forever that we got first place.

After awhile you stop trying until your needed again. Popular people will need you some day. You get noticed once you change. Never understood why it has it to be this way? Why? You can never please society. School is basically an excuse for your parents to get you out of the house and do something "fun." Schools full of fake bitches and wanna be perfect barbies. I admit I'm one of the fake bitches.

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