“Nope,” I said shaking my head. He frowned, clearly upset that he had been shot down so quickly.

“How come?” he questioned.

“Because you’re from the male species and you don’t belong making supper,” I stated.

“I think I should help because I'm going to marry you one day,” he sighed.

“That does not matter, Luka. Besides, do not you have your own chores to do?”

“That is a good point,” he laughed, “I still wish I could help though.”

I smiled at the disappointment still lingering in his voice.

You know, sometimes I wonder why I am so against marrying this boy. He is such a sweet heart. But there lies the problem I guess... he is much too nice sometimes. Plus, I have known him since we were little. Luka is practically a brother to me.

As my Mama came back she hurriedly shooed Luka away from me and poured the small amount of salt into the mixture.

I did not bother eating any of it when supper was finally ready. Mostly because I know that with the amount of people in the few families that were travelling together, that there would not be enough for everyone here. There was no way that all of us would be fed with just that one cauldron of stew.

“Are you not hungry?” asked my Papa as he slurped from his small bowl. I shook my head.

“No not really,” I lied, as a faint growl erupted from my stomach. Luckily he did not seem to hear it as he continued on his way.

I stared hungrily at all of the children devouring their food quickly, and then asking for more until the cauldron was completely dry.

I hopped down from the front steps of our wagon and started on my way to town. I had a small amount of change in my skirt pocket and I would go and see if it were possible to buy an apple or something from the market.

“Where are you going?” asked an annoying voice. I looked up, only to realize that it was just Luka.

“I am just going to town,” I replied, “no need to follow me like a lost puppy.”

“You are not going to tell neither your Mama nor Papa where you are headed?” he asked.

“No, they will figure out where I have gone eventually,” I said, “they have no need to worry though, I will be back soon enough.”

He ran off without another word, probably to tell my parents where I am headed. They most likely will not care though. They trust me enough not to get into any trouble, especially knowing that I could get into trouble for misbehaving in town.

My stomach grumbled once again, reminding me that it needed something to calm its ravaging hunger. I could even already feel a sick pain growing inside of my poor belly.

The path to the village was not too long nor was it short. And the road was lined with beautifully coloured flowers as well, which made the short journey more pleasurable if anything. There was a refreshing breeze flowing through the trees, causing my hair to fall over my brown eyes... not very comfortable if I may add.

As I neared the village I could hear the voices of the people talking wildly as they conversed among themselves. I noticed a few of them taking notice as I strode into the market quietly. The disapproving looks didn’t faze me though; they could fall off of a bridge for all I cared.

I noticed a barrel full of apples at the far end. I walked up to it, almost drooling at the smell of the freshly picked fruit.

“How much are these?” I asked the smiling old man sitting next to it.

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