Heaven and Hell (Lilo AU)

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When Louis was born his parents were told he had a mental disorder. They called it autism and it changed everything. His brain worked differently than other kids his age and he had trouble keeping up. He wasn't stupid no far from it, but it took him longer to understand and comprehend things. He was like a little kid enjoying toys and games while others his age were more into sex and parties. He struggled all his life with people calling him names and giving him a hard time. But what happens when Liam Payne, a bad boy, a rebel comes in and muddles in Louis ' life? What happens when Louis falls head over heels in love and Liam is in over his head? But most of all what happens when love is found in the depths of sadness and depression? Will love prevail or will society and judgment get in the way of loves forces?

(Not Famous)

(Rated R )

(suggestions, ideas?)

This is a boy/boy story so if you don't like it DON'T READ IT!

-Feel free to comment, vote and give suggestions for other stories you want to be written, also any ideas you might have for this one.


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