4. 10 yrs ago (4/4) - Rage, Death and Leaving

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So, this is 4th part of four, about Ambrose 10 yrs ago. Watch carefully new characters, you might see them in the movie. Who's gonna rage, who's gonna die and who's gonna leave?

„Hey, Vincent!" I shouted at him, he slowly turned back and when he saw me, he waved. „Hey, I saw you, so, I decided to join you." Thanks god it was so dark, so the scratch on my face couldn't be seen. „Ehm, I want to ask you something." I smiled nervously, and when Vincent nodded in agreement, I started: „Uhm, I know you said, that Bolton is „just" hot-tempered, but has he ever hurted you or anybody else, when he was angry?" Vincent was thinking for a while and then started talking carefully: „Uhm, I usuall-y ock i-ma roo, ba I thin, tha aybe som a-imal..." „An animal? Okay, don't you think he needs something like...psychologist?" „Ell, yeah, aybe." said Vincent and laughed. „This ain't funny, Vince!" I said, but smiled anyway. But then the moon came out of clouds and illuminated the meadow. Vincent looked at me properly and pointed at the scratch. „Wha is tha? Olton?" Damn, stupid moon, I didn't feel like telling to Vincent would help, but. „Um, yeah, it was an accident. We had a lil dispute between us, nothing serious." „O-thin' se-ious? Im so so-y." said Vincent kindly and hugged me. And it all started, this day.
From that day, I spent every second afternoon in Vincent's house, talkin' about some uninteresting stuffs, making wax sculptures and planning the future. For three weeks on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday I left from school or home and went to Sinclair's house. Bolton spent all day in gas station, from time to time raged on and his brother Joe, who was working as the roadkill driver suddenly got more job. I suspect Bo from those dead animals, but who knows maybe it was just a coincidence.

27th of April

But everything has changed the next day. 25th of April. It was around 7 PM and I was leaving Vincent's room, when I bumped to Bo. Unexpected, surprising, call it whatever you want. I was shocked. I just starred at him and was standing like another wax statue in front of him. I knew it was a trouble. Bo was starring at me and I could see, that he's putting everything toggether, slowly starting to rage. „YOU F*CKIN' SL*T! WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" He took me by hair and dragged me outside the house. „B*TCH! How-what---Why did you do that? I thought we are about to forget on each other, but you still keep going to my house – secretly – and think it's okay?" I didn't say anything. Honestly, I was scared as sh*t. „Huh? What are you goin' to tell me about this?" I was lookin around, tryin' to „just-not-look-at-Bo", when I saw that young afro-american guy, who was going with me to school, just looking at us, probably thinking about what to do. His name was Deverion and was really kind and funny + he always wore blazer and a dirty white T-shirt underneath. I hoped, that Bo won't see him, but unfortunately he looked in the same direction as I did.

„Hey you! Let her be!" Dev shouted at Bo. „Hey-hey." I stood between them, because I really didn't want Dev to get hurt. „WHAT? You need a „girl protection?" Bo answered him and laughed sarcastically. „Bo! Shut up and calm down okay? You're screaming here like freak!" Deverion was standing in the backround, not sure if he should intervene, when Vincent was about to came here, to see what happened. „You-you call me a freak?" Bo laughed and continued: „THIS is the FREAK here!" He pointed to Vincent. „And maybe you a bit. But still freakin' sexy." I just found out, what was going on. Bo was drunk. „Hey, guys, okay, stop it." Deverion probably had enough of it, I knew he hated a violence and fights. „And you better shut up, you j*rk, or you'll end up really badly, you dancin freak!" I looked shocked at Bo. What? At first, end up badly? And second, how could he know, that Dev likes to dance? „BOLTON! SHUT THE F*CK UP!" I yelled at him, trying to push him back inside the house. When we got inside, Vincent slammed the door and Bo was about to start shouting something again, so I covered his mouth and sat him on some chair. „NO! Shut up! Keep calm, count to ten or whatever, just---" Bo „growled", he stood up, pushed me away and ran out. „Damn! Hey, sorry Vince. I gotta go." I sadly smiled and was about to leave, when Vincent hugged me from behind. „That's sweet :) Don't worry, I'll be careful." „O-ay, see y." I kissed him on the wax mouth, waved and left.

House of wax I. - Coming backOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant