Chapter 2

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"Ugh, I don't want to go to school!" I groan as I meet up with Delilah near the little coffee shop that happens to be close to both of our houses.

"Shut up and quit your complaining," she instructs and shoves a muffin in my face. I grudgingly accept the muffin. She hands me my coffee and I take that too. We start off towards the direction of our dreaded high school. I nibble on the chocolate and blueberry muffin as we trudge through the town. Well, I trudge, Delilah skips.

After 20 minutes of dragging my feet and getting scolded by Delilah, we reach Pax Valley High. Delilah's face lights up with a smile. Who gets happy seeing a building? And especially a high school?

"C'mon Riley! It's our senior year! We rule the school! Let's make the best of it!" she squeals and drags me into the building. My best friend just gave me a motivational speech on enjoying high school...Kill me now.

"Oh look!" I fake squeal. "It's Max!" I release my arm from her death grip and use Max as an excuse to get away.

Max was our best friend...With a pretty unfortunate name. Why you ask? What's wrong with Max? Nothing! Nothing at all! Don't worry, you'll understand soon.

"Max? Max Maxwell? Is that you?" Delilah's says teasingly. There's nothing Del likes more than to tease Max about his hilarious name. Yes, Max Maxwell is his name. I'm not sure what his parents were thinking when they named him, but because of it, he has suffered through many people laughing their asses off at him. Not at this school though, he's pretty popular with everyone, and when this one guy made fun of him, Max beat him up. That's right! No one messes with Max Max! Well, except for Delilah and I...

"Hey Del," Max replies with a roll of his eyes.

"Well it’s not my fault you went halfway across the USA for the whole 3 months of summer vacation. Excuse me if I can't remember what you look like," Delilah says dramatically.

"Speaking of," I say with a smile. "How was Wisconsin?" I try to hold back a laugh but it slips through. I mean, really? Who vacations in Wisconsin?

"Well I got to see my family...It was a pretty fun trip," Max replies and stuffs his hands in his pockets. I raise one of my eyebrows and stare him down. Fun? I'm not buying it.

"Ok, fine. It sucked...And I stepped in cow shit," Max admitted and made a face.

Delilah and I burst out in laughter. After a good long laugh, my sides started to hurt so I stood up straight and wiped a stray tear.

"I knew you weren't telling the truth," I say and punch him lightly in the arm.

"By the way Max Max, you didn't even give us a proper greeting! Did you even miss us while you were gone?" Delilah says making a pouty face.

Max gives Delilah an exasperated sigh.

"I apologize, you can consider this my official greeting to both of you," he says rolling his eyes.

He clears his throat.

"Omygod! I like totally missed you two so much!" he says in a high pitched tone and picks both of us up in a hug. He keeps going with his little girly rant and shakes us back and forth violently. After he's done he sets us down.

I sway back and forth a bit while Delilah stumbles around, trying to gain her footing.

"Was that better?" Max asks with a smug grin.

"Much!" Delilah cheers, finally able to stand on her own two feet.

Max shakes his head. We all start walking to each of our lockers and I spot a very hot guy. I know what you're thinking. Is it that guy from the alley? Well, no it's not, but nonetheless, this guy is a hot piece of ass.

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