Thank god for that. I was saved again by the beautiful bell. Thank you lord. I knew you were always there, watching over me.

"Ok look. There's the bell. Haha! Must run. Have Math. Sorry Kylen! Goodbye!" I said to him.

He just stood there utterly bewildered. The rest of the day went really slowly. I almost fell asleep in Math class, and by the time it was lunch, I could have fallen asleep right there and then.

Yawning, I sat on one of the benches, and got my book out of my backpack. But before I did anything, I quickly texted Kylen.

Hey Kylen. I'm really sorry about earlier. The bell just rang and well you know...Anyways. I did read your note. So um yeah :)

I didn't put any kisses. Maybe I should have put just one. Should I? Maybe I should have...I but my lip nervously waiting or his reply, and after a few seconds of waiting, my phone buzzed in my lap. I unlocked it, my heart doing tiny flips all over again.

Hey :) And I'm glad you got it. Meet me after school. Library?

My lip started bleeding and my heart was bouncing in my chest. He wanted to meet me after school? What do I say? I mean, I was planning to go to the library...

"Hey Carter!" Someone called. I turned around and saw Sam, and Blake running towards me. I waved at them. Sam grinned at me, and ruffled my hair, which earned him a light slap on his arm. It was very strong. I'm pretty sure my face changed when my hand felt him arm because he smirked proudly and flexed. I laughed and shook my head.

"Hey guys." I looked over at Blake who was staring at us both. He had a strange expression planted on his face. I couldn't figure it out. He shook his head, and then grinned at me.

"Hey stranger!" He said and winked. I laughed.

"Guys, I'm going to get food. I'm hungry. Peace out motherfuckers." Sam said, and saluted to us. Before jogging away. I sighed, and the laughed.

"Guess it's just me and you." Blake said.

Yay life.

"I guess it is. Wanna go find Kylen?" I asked unsurly. Maybe if I met up with him at lunch instead of after school, it wouldn't be as awkward.

He raised an eyebrow, at me.

"But I mean we don't have to you know. I mean we could just not..." I trailed of at the end.

"Why do you have a 'thing' for him?" He asked.

"No silly, we've just met. He's just, different."

"Different to your old boyfriend?" He asked. "Your ex, you mean." I suddenly stiffened. I turned away.

Tears started to well up. I knew he would ask about Jack sooner or later, but to be real honest I didn't want to tell him. Not now. Not yet.

"Carter? Carter are you alright?" He said after a few minuets. I just nodded, and wiped at he corners of my eyes. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. He grinned.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah." I put the book, that resting in my lap back in my backpack. But not before Blake snatched it away.

"Your such a nerd." He laughed. "Pride and Prejudice? Really? That's about the most girliest book I've ever read."

"Yet you've read it, and you're still calling me a nerd?"

"It is so boring, and Elizabeth is so annoying what with playing 'hard to get'."

I frowned at him. "She is not playing 'hard to get', she is one best written characters in English literature!"

Nefarious BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora