Thirty Four

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It was hard for Joe to think that going back to his parents was his only option but he knew at least he would have Nick's support, he didn't plan to tell his parents about Demi or the baby. He was still gay to them even if he was bisexual now, he didn't give himself much time to think about what his sexuality really was. Nick pulled up in the garage turning to his brother who was just staring at the wall in front of them.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Joe shook his head gently.

"This is my only option, I don't want it but there's nothing else I can do." Joe whispered slightly Nick sighing nodding his head. He got out of the car holding the door open for his brother, Joe climbed out bringing his backpack with him. He had already given his bedding to another homeless man who looked to be cold, it was November now and getting colder. They both entered the kitchen seeing that it had been cleared down since dinner, Nick had demanded for his parents to somewhat make it up to him, they would all have dinner together of a night. He was slowly learning to trust them again now that they were around and not searching around for their lost son who was now stood in their kitchen.

"It hasn't really changed." Joe mumbled looking around.

"Mom and Dad have kept your room the same too." He stated but they both looked towards the door when he saw it open.

"I thought I heard voices," Denise stated then looking towards Joe recognising him straight away even if he was older than the boy who had ran away when he was just fourteen. "J-Joe?" Joe dropped his bag on the floor darting out the back door Nick sighing as he followed. He ran across the backyard Nick knowing he was heading for the tree house, before he could get to the door it was shut in his face and something moved up against it.

"Joe come on, what's wrong?" Nick questioned putting his hand out for his mother to not come any closer, if anybody was going to get Joe out of the tree house it wasn't going to be her.

"I don't know if I can do this Nick." Joe choked.

"It's what you wanted though!" He shouted back.

"It's not what I wanted!" He screamed. "I-I can't breathe Nick." By now Paul and Kevin had joined them to see what the commotion was.

"Let me in." Nick pleaded getting concerned.

"I can't, the walls are closing in!" He screeched shutting his eyes closed as he pulled on his hair rocking back and forth. Denise could see through the window.

"We need to get in there, Nick do you think you could climb through the window?" Nick nodded his head gently the four of them working together to brake the window.

Demi had her meeting with Richard before she begun to make her way back to the house. She often went the long was around to get some fresh air but going the long way meant going under the bridge where she spent a lot of her time while she was still homeless. Not once has she seen Joe under there which just made her go that way everytime to see whether he'd be there again. But he was nowhere to be seen. She was getting worried that she wouldn't be able to contact him in any way when she got her first pay check when the album was released. She made it back into the house seeing that Ryan and Jessica were still there along with Callum who she didn't speak to too much.

"Hey how was it?" Jessica questioned as she sat up straight getting out of Ryan's embrace.

"It was good, morning sickness has died down." She stated before slumping down on the couch next to them.

"How you're going to fit a baby in this house when the time comes I don't know." Callum muttered not moving his eyes from the screen.

"Well Richard seems to think we can so there isn't a problem." Demi replied Callum just rolling his eyes, she wasn't starting to feel so welcome.


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