Getting Hit On by Yellow Fire

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A/n: N/n means nickname, and Yellow Fire is my nickname for Yang

???: Ruby where are you we need to head to the entrance speech now...Oh yo and who are you

Ruby: Hi Yang this is my new friend...

Yang: Yeah,yeah, so do you have a girlfriend

Y/n: No I don't, why you ask

Yang: Would you like to...

Ruby: Yang aren't we going to the entrance speech

Yang: Yeah

Ruby: Then we'd better get going

Yang: Care to join us hot stuff

Yang says that last part while having ahold of your arm and pressing them against her breasts, and you are beginning to get a small nosebleed

Ruby then grabs your hand and runs off to the building the speech is in

Time Skip

At the speech you meet some cool people like Juane Arc, Blake Beladona, Pyrrah Nikos, and lots more, you also saw someone bully Jaune and you go over to back him up and after you 'talked' to the bully you told Jaune

Y/n: If you need help just ask, your my friend and I hate it when friends get bullied, OK

Jaune: OK, and thanks Y/n

Y/n: No problem, now lets get through these four years here as friends that have each others back

Jaune: Got it and that would be awesome

Time Skip

In the Forever Falls

You get sent first and you land not seeing any one so you decide to go and get a relic, after half an hour you reach a destroyed ruin and find a golden chess pawn piece so you hurry up and get back to the cliff you saw some people in groups of two and you saw Ruby with the Snow Queen as people called her but you thought that was mean so you called her by her name Weiss, you felt sad but you just shook the felling off

Time Skip

After an hour of running and fighting creatures of Grimm you arrive at the cliff

Ozpin: Ah, Mr. L/n let us see what piece you gave brought

You show him the gold chess piece and he gives you a hand shake

Ozpin: You are in a special team, a team of made of one individual now you are to have a big enough dorm for you and your belongings now just wait for the others

After two hours of waiting the others arrive and get assinged their dorms and team names your team name was N/n, Yang kept on trying to seduce you by pressing her mounds against you and you either faint, nosebleed or get turned on but you kept getting saved by Ruby

Three months later

You began to have feelings for Ruby and you are planning on asking her out but you don't know what she will say or if she doesn't like you

A/n: Hope you like this story also sorry if it took a while to post I was visiting my grandparents also your weapons are katana/assault rifle, and the next day is valentines anyways see ya next time wolf pack also looking for people to be apart of the pack if you want it put #wolfpack in comments or pm me

Ruby Rose x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now