Chapter 1

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I climb into bed slowly, making sure not to completely trash the bed I made moments before. I take a look at my phone. 11:26 pm. I know I should be asleep at this hour, especially having to attend my first day of high school tomorrow, but I just can't fall into a slumber. Maybe it's just nerves. Maybe.
School actually started two weeks ago. However, I didn't attend school those two weeks, because I was ill. At least that's the story I'm supposed to tell my teachers. The real reason I wasn't there is because some distant relative recently passed away. Both my mother and father attended the funeral, and I was sent to Brooklyn to stay with my aunt and uncle until we were to return to Atlanta. Boy, was I glad. Not that one of my relatives was dead, of course. I was content with the fact that my summer break would be extended by two weeks. The less time I have to spend in that hell of a place, the better.
       Those two weeks, however, end today. It seemed to whiz by so fast. Why is it that the few times I actually enjoy the fact that I'm alive pass by so fast? Too fast for me to be satisfied.
       Anyways, why do I have to go to school anyways? High school is the least necessary of all schools in my opinion. In primary and middle school, we learn the basic fundamentals of just about every subject so that we get a taste of something or job will include doing, no matter what the profession. But honestly, am I really going to use the distance formula anytime during my day to day life? I've survived well enough up to now without knowing it. And do I REALLY need to memorize the first lines to every Shakespearean play? Of course not! This is the 21st century! I could have a computer do all that for me! Honestly, I could do a lot of jobs at the average quality with the education I have right now.
        I glance over at the clock again. 11:34. I really need some sleep. I've got to wake up at 5:30 sharp tomorrow, though my school starts at 8:30 and my bus comes at 8. I guess it just takes me that long to get ready.
       I finally feel myself getting drowsy. It was actually somewhat of a sudden feeling, as if something just happened inside of me ordering my body to sleep. I didn't fight it though. I knew I needed rest before school.

       "Haileena?" my mother called from my doorway. "Huh?" I glance over at my clock about 8 feet away. 5:40. I guess I fell asleep so suddenly last night that I forgot to actually set my alarm.
       I get out of bed and search through my closet for clothes. I choose a ripped pair of acid wash jeans and a black and white flowing shirt with a dream catcher design on the front. I grin to myself. They can't punish me for dress code on the first day. I lay out a matching pair of black and white polka dotted panties and a bra next to it.
       I take a really fast shower, then get dressed in today's outfit. Then I check my phone. I see that it is now 6 o'clock and that I still have two hours to spare. I also see a text from one of my best friends ever. I've known Maria since 2nd grade, and we've been like sisters ever since. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2015 ⏰

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