Chapter 29: Nuclear triggers

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Through the moonlit corridor, she tiptoed to the sitting room and tuned the TV to the resort's online system. Carefully, she scrolled through the captions before stopping at the channel displaying local tourist attractions.

"Restaurants," she murmured as she muted the volume.

Smiling, she paged until she found the name of the Lebanese restaurant was her emergency contact.

The interactive channel prompted her for an order and a password.

Eva responded through TV's interactive keyboard. Almost immediately, the system responded and displayed Ronan's message.

"I love when you only give me thirty-six hours, Iron Hammer," she grumbled as she typed her response.

Four minutes later, she powered off the system and quietly padded back to the bedroom and a still-snoring Robert Townsend.


In a corner of the large dingy room, the five former Jordanian paratroopers and Christopher performed their final weapons inspections. Each man also individually inspected their ammunition loads, supply packs and first aid kits.

Mustapha stopped and stared as Alexandra donned a green chadri. "Does she understand what she's getting into, Hooker?"

Christopher continued re-assembling his weapon. "Yes. They tell me she's a trained marksman and that she has urban combat experience, but I don't know how she will react in this. Her unit is well regarded for its training, but she could be the oddball. You know – part of some female quota that they have to meet." He turned his attention to his ammunition clips. "Anyway, you have the 'over watch'."

"If you trust her with your life, then that's good enough for me." Mustapha shrugged as he inserted a clip into his weapon's receiver.

"Have all the motorbikes been serviced?" Christopher slipped his extra MP5 ammunition clips into his pouches.

"We bought seven bikes and cannibalized one of them for spare parts. I gave you the 500cc Honda since it'll be you and the Inspector so you'll need the heavier bike." Mustapha handed Christopher the ignition key. "We have the Suzuki 250s."

"Then you should move out and rendezvous with Primo. Wait for me at the coordinates we agreed. Go with God, old friend."

The two men embraced.

Mustapha broke away and walked to the door. "Good luck, Inspector."

"Thank you, Mustapha. Same to you. Does this look correct?" She adjusted the chadri's headdress.

Mustapha pulled down her veil. "Now it's perfect, Inspector." He grinned and slipped from the room.


Alexandra shifted the Heckler Koch MP5A5 under her chadri as she peered at her reflection in a dingy window. "Why do they call you Hooker? Is it that you have a proclivity for 'ladies of the evening'?"

An openmouthed Christopher stared at her for several moments before responding, "You would believe I was the Anti-Christ if someone told you I was, wouldn't you? Hooker is a position in rugby, Inspector. I was the best Hooker at my school." He shook his head and returned to packing their rations and water into two motorcycle panniers. "Are you ready?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult you. I was just teasing."

Christopher warily studied her all-encompassing veil. "Take that damned thing off. I can't tell when you're teasing me."

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