Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

        It would seem his ancestors had secrets of there own. He had never imagined such a thing possible – a human 'bitten by the moon' as Adeline had called it. All this time Kate had carried the werewolf gene. Is that what had initially drawn him to Kate? Had he somehow, inherently, known all along that she had the gene?

        No. He surmised. He hadn't known such a thing even existed, and he had fallen for her the moment he laid eyes on her.

        And now she doesn't want you. He thought forlornly.

        Ronan sighed heavily as he sank onto the sofa. He pushed a hand through his unkempt hair and cast turbulent eyes to the stairs.

        She refused to see him and could he really blame her? Julie had relayed to him what Kate had despairingly revealed to her, and it pained him all the more to know that his mate, his one true love was suffering immensely because of it. Not to mention, she'd become the very thing he hadn't wanted for her. She had been dealt shitty cards all her life. Her pain was boundless. He had been willing to release her and face the aftermath of a life without her – simply to liberate her of her pain.

        But it would seem fate had deemed otherwise.

        She was a werewolf – miraculously.

        Kate belonged entirely, wholeheartedly to him.

        'And still she does not want you.'

        Ronan groaned inwardly as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees to palm his face. What could he say to make her understand? What could he do to alleviate her grief? Her life would never be the same and he was fully prepared to let her go again – if she so asked.

        And that latter thought threatened to tear his heart in two.

        A sudden rapping on the front door forced him from his thoughts and he straightened on the couch as he grumbled hoarsely, "Come in."

        A flash of white swept his peripheral and he glanced at the stairway as Luna ascended the steps. He was grateful to Micah's mate. She had taken it upon herself to frequent with Kate, and though he wasn't sure what they discussed, he knew Luna would comfort Kate in ways he could not.

        Bennett had remained alongside Kate, even despite the horde of vampires roaming Asheville. She had assured everyone that it would be 'dealt with accordingly', but Ronan imagined she had some guilt on leaving Kate unattended the night she was attacked by a vampire, and because of it, Bennett continuously proved that she valued friendship above her duties as a huntress, having never left Kate's side since.

        Micah suddenly settled across from him, "You look like hell."

        Ronan leaned back against the cushions and met his beta's unwavering stare with a scowl, "This is hell."

        Micah leaned forward and smirked, "She'll come around, my friend."

        He shook his head, "I don't expect her to."

        "You're not responsible for what happened to her." Micah affirmed.

        Ronan sighed heavily, "My responsibility was to protect her and I failed, and because of it, she died."

        "Therefore triggering the gene?" Micah added, suspecting Ronan's thoughts.

        He nodded, "Essentially I am the reason she is a werewolf."

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