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Hello! Welcome to this rp! Chances are that you're here because you love Harry Potter, because that's why I made this to be honest. Now before I begin there are a few unfortunate things I must go over. Bear with me.


× Please try to use third person and try to be descriptive when roleplaying. Chances are that I won't respond if you roleplay in first or in script format unless you ask before hand. Though first person is likely going to be accepted than script formate. And please try to descriptive For example :


"Pandora pulled Calem around the corner in order to avoid Peeves, that bothersome spirit, he would surely rat them out if he saw them. "Try to be quiet," she whispered to Calem who simply nodded and covered his mouth"

»»-----Kinda bad-----«

"I pulled Calem around the corner, hearing Peeves. I didn't feel like being caught today, especially with the risk of Calem getting caught along with me. His sister would kill us both. "Try to be quiet," I whispered to Calem"


"Pandora: *pulls Calem around corner* *whispers* try to be quiet!
Calem:*nods and stays quiet* "

× Please use proper grammar and spelling. For example "you" instead of "u" and break things into paragraphs, not just one chunk of text. It's fine if you dont break the chunks, but please, for the love of all things good try to use proper grammar.


"Are you okay?" Pandora asked Calem, concern lacing her words.
Calem nodded, rubbing his neck. "I'm just a little shaken, that's all, Pan." he assured her, a nervous smile on his face.
Pandora furrowed her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes. "Do I need to fight to someone?" she questioned.


"are u okay" pandora asked Calem nodded "yeah just a little shaken." he admitted with a nervous smile "Do i need to fight anyone" she asked

× Swearing is fine. Censor it if you'd like, I don't mind. If you have a problem with swearing, please inform me so I can dial it down my swears.

× Please add a little scene for my character and play their crush, or else I will most likely ignore you to be honest

× Romance is fine, though I'd prefer not to have any smut. I really don't want this to be deleted to be honest. If you do want there to smut, take it to pm or time skip through it, though I get bored of smut really quick, it can really repetitive.

× Password to show you read the rules is in bold italics and scattered through the rules

× Try to follow the rules, the rule I use is three strikes is one out, one out is I wont respond for a while. Three outs will end with you not allowed to rp here and possibly muted.

× If I don't respond I'm either busy or I simply forgot. I am an actual person with actual problems, I will not be on 24/7. However feel free to tag me after a few hours of not responding. Your appropriate tagging is appreciated

× Please try to make the rp interesting, there is so much I can do.

× You are allowed to rp in as many scenarios as you'd like.

× Do try to play canon characters as well, I will play canon characters but I cant play all the canon characters as well as my own.

× My favorite rule is to have fun and treat others with kindness even.

× This isn't necessarily a group rp, but if you are interested then please ask the other person if it's okay for you to join their rp chain

× Tagging characters is fine by me, just warn be before hand so I'm not shook when tagged. You are free to use as many original character's as you like, but please keep track of them.

»»-----End of The Rules-----««


The items in bold are required while the items in normal font are optional.



»»--Age/Hogwarts Year---««


»»-----Zodiac Sign-----««



»»-----Blood Status-----««



Dress Robes-



»»----Hogwarts House----««


»»-----Wand Type-----««





»»-----The Rest-----««

With the completion of the rules and form I now ask you to wait for me to accept your form

before you begin to rp and hope you have fun with the rp!

Harry Potter RPWhere stories live. Discover now