Number 1: Medication

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The first thing I would like to share with you to help deal with anxiety is medication.

There are many different medications out there that can help deal with anxiety. I would recommend that someone who suffers severe anxiety get some type of medicine that is long lasting or even temporary. Of course, most doctors or therapists will probably start with medication in the beginning.

I'm not necessarily talking about pills, though. I have found that incenses have worked as well. If you're someone who can't/won't take pills then try putting on some type of lotion or perfume that smells like lavender or any other peace enticing smell.

I take medicine that I take once a day, and it has helped a lot. The specific one I take usually takes about a month to start taking effect, but I'm not really sure how others work. I also have another medicine that is temporary and I take it if I'm having a really bad panic attack. I only had to use it twice, but it helped a lot. I put on a lavender-smelling essence everyday, too, but that I haven't really had to use that lately. I put it on just in case because it doesn't really inflict any harm to me.

This is definitely something I would recommend, but in the end your doctor or therapist knows best and if it seems like something that would work for you as well, but you haven't done it, you should ask your doctor.



Anxiety and My Ideas On How To Cope With ItWhere stories live. Discover now