A hand on my shoulder caused me to jump away and turn around ready to fight.

"Hey, it's just me. I'm not going to hurt you." Kai said. I still backed away and tried to rack my brain to remember what happened and how I got here.

I was running through the dark...something hit me and I fell...dragged to somewhere...red eyes...pain in my neck... Kai...blackness...vampires?

I leaned against the wall and buried my face in my palms, vampires aren't real, they can't be real! But what if they were? Am I a vampire?

I put my finger in my mouth to check for fangs but came across something else. Something was lying on the floor of my mouth, it was wet and felt like a giant muscle. This is what made my mouth feel crowded, is it a tongue? Do I have a tongue again?!

I felt someone come quickly up next to me. Kai was standing there and I quickly took my hand out of my mouth. I wiped my hand off on the clothes I was wearing, which was just this oversized men's nightshirt that went down to my knees but that was the least of my concerns. Kai grabbed my waist suddenly and pulled me to him, he gazed into my eyes as he did. This was the point when I realized that he was not wearing a shirt and I had no pants on.

One part of my mind told me to get away from his grip, but another part of my mind told me to stay where I was, and for some reason I did. Kai leaned forward and rested his face on the crook of my neck. He took in a deep breath and exhaled, he seemed to loose tension in his body as he did.

"I can't believe I found you as fast as I did." He murmured against my neck. I wanted to ask what he meant but I don't know if my new tongue will work. I pushed Kai back away from me and studied his face. His blue eyes had a reddish tinge to them and he was pale now. I dropped my hands from
His face and tried to get away from him, though I was against a wall and he decided to place both his arms on either side of me. He trapped me and I did the most rational thing I could think of: I punched him in the face.

"Jesus! What the fuck?! What'd you do that for?" He yelled. I ran for the door, my fingertips barley touched the handle when arms were around my waist and I was pulled to Kai once more. I thrashed about and attempted to kick him but he moved with amazing speed and held in with a hard grip.

"Le-le," I found myself stuttering, it felt weird using my tongue, "let go!" I finally managed. Almost instantly his arms dropped. I turned to him to see him staring blankly me, his eyes glazed over. He just stood there staring at me and I began to feel a little scared, what's wrong with him?

I waved my hand in front of his face but he didn't move or even blink. I snapped my fingers hoping to make him blink and he just fell to the ground. I jumped back and let out a yelp when he did. I suddenly felt a wave of concern wash over me. Is he ok? What is going on? Why isn't he waking up?

I knelt down beside him and began shaking his shoulder. He was cold and not breathing. Is there a heartbeat? I rolled him on his back and pressed my ear to his bar chest. No heartbeat. I panicked and started to pump on his chest.

When I was little I was taught something, I don't remember what it was called but I still remembered the procedure. After I pumped on his chest three times I moved up to his face and opened his mouth. I put my lips on his and forced air into him, I was about to check if he was breathing and had a heartbeat but then arms slid around my waist and kept me to him.

A tongue slipped into my mouth and he rolled over so he was on top of me. I was taken by surprise and tried to push him away but his grip was firm. He finally parted his face from mine and smirked at me.

"I guess you don't already know that vampires are dead, and therefor don't need to breath," he stated, "but thanks for that anyways love." I used all the strength I had to push him off, which sent him flying back. I quickly got up and stared at him in awe. Did I do that?

Kai looked surprised but then came to me again. A corner of his mouth jerked upwards and he gave me an amused smirk.

"You definitely need more training on your vampire skills. But, then again, so do I." He stated. He then turned around and walked to the bed and reached below. He brought out some black cloth an handed it to me.

"Change. We need to meet Ashtar outside." He said. He reached under the bed and pulled a black shirt out and put it on then walked to the door.

"I'll be outside the door waiting." He stated before exiting. When the door finally closed I decided to test out my new tongue again.

"Wh-what the f-fuck?" I muttered to myself. It was hard saying those words but I did it. I weighed my options on the situation I was in and found that I had no choice other than to meet Ashtar outside with Kai. I know Ashtar will tell me everything I need to know.

I dressed in the clothing which actually fit quite nicely. I was wearing a long sleeved black blouse type shirt and a pair of nice fitting pants, not so loose that they are falling off my hips and not so tight that I can barely move around in them. I also had a pair of black boots on and black gloves. I stepped out the door once fully dressed and Kai was waiting patiently there.

He looked towards me and gave me a dashing smile. "You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded my head and he stood up and grabbed my hand. I looked at our hands but didn't make a move to separate them, his touch sent warm sparks through my arm. They kind of reminded me of the wolf back before I got captured and also Xavier.

I wonder what Xavier was doing right now. Was he looking for me? Was he furious with me? Probably. I realized I was thinking to much about Xavier and then began thinking about Kai. Why did he kiss me back there? What did he mean by 'I can't believe I found you as fast as I did.'

It felt like my mind was split into two pieces, one thought about Xavier and the other thought about Kai. Deep down I knew I had to choose one of them, and to be honest the whole thing was beginning to give me a splitting headache.

The Knife (On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant