Chapter 10 - Reality sets in

Start from the beginning

This was all sorts of fucked up, but I could not break down now. The more I thought about my two beautiful boys the more upset I got. I couldn't think of anything else but them. A glass shattered somewhere but I paid it not mind. A storm coursed through me and I must have projected something. Thunder rolled and the wind picked up. Before I knew it a storm was brewing outside. The more time passed the harder it poured. That side of me had taken over. I was no longer thinking clearly. Vengeance was the only word my brain would register.

A noise that was not Aunt Zaphaya caught my attention. I moved at lightning speed before the intruder could reach me and had her pinned down on the kitchen counter.

"Who the fuck are you?" There was no answer. "You better start talking before I rip your throat out."

"I have information about your sons."

"I'm listening."

"I know where they are or at least where they are supposed to be."

I let her go.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Keira and up until a few hours ago I was a part of the plot to kidnap your children."

"Clearly. Why are you here now? You know I could kill you right?"

"I want to help you find them. I recently came across some information that is very useful to me."

"What do you want in return for supposedly helping me?"

"Your blessing."

I looked at her puzzled.

"Why would you need my blessing?"

"Well you are the Queen aren't you?"

I didn't even blink. She continued.

"I came back here for one thing and one thing only and you can help me with that."

"Just tell me what you need my blessing for."

"Prince Blake, I want Prince Blake."

A little chuckle escaped. "I don't see how I can help you with your little quest. I am not nor will I ever be Blake's keeper. Besides he has a mate, two in fact."

"I'm aware. We have history."

My eyes narrowed. "Maybe you need to tell me exactly what kind of history you have with my brother-in-law and what exactly you want me to do. The only reason I am even attempting to hear you out right now is because of my sons."

She proceeded to tell me her story and I listened half heartedly. I had no interest in her story or anything she had to say for that matter except the location of my sons. As soon as I got that from her and get them back I will take care of her. How dare she walk up in here after conspiring to kidnap my kids then turn around demand I give her my blessing to go after my sister's mate?

"Okay, I'll help you," I said. "But I need to have the location and what exactly I'll be walking in to. Also I need to have my sons back with me safe and secure. After all of that I will lift your ban."

She let out the breath she was holding. "They're going to planet X. The home of the invaders."

My expression didn't change but inside I was seething. I only needed to ask one last question and one only. "How do I get there?"

The Sae

"What is taking so long? We should have been in the air an hour ago."

"There's a problem."

"What?" I was beyond irritated. I needed to get as far away from here as possible. I wanted to try out these new powers. I have always envied my sister for her power of sight, among other things. She basically had all the powers handed down to her while I got stuck with nothing. I had to work and practice to develop the puny ones I did have. Even then I still didn't measure up. I had to turn to the dark arts and kill and steal to get where I was today. Stealing my sister's powers was the icing on the cake.

"We can't move them."

I rolled my eyes. "They're babies not even three months old. What do you mean you can't move them?"

"Well they seem to have some sort of protective shield up. Nobody can touch it without getting zapped."

Shield? What the hell was he talking about? I followed him, curious to see what exactly he was talking about. They should not have any powers at this young age. My plan was to keep them and raise them as my own until they came into their powers. Once they had I would train them accordingly to do what I have always wanted. If they have powers and are using them, then my job would be a little easier and I would get my task accomplished earlier.

"Bring the boy."

"Why do you need him? Keira asked.

"You are not here to ask questions. You do as I say. Now bring the boy and make sure he's conscious."

I approached cautiously, ensuring I didn't set them off.

"Okay little princes, time for you to drop those shields."

If anything, their shields seemed to expand. To the common eye you would not be able to see it, but I was a different case. One was black and the other white. I waited a little while to see if it would work but it didn't.

"Bring me the boy."

He was pushed roughly into the room.

"Now let me repeat myself. Drop the shields and allow us to get on our way or I'll just kill him."

“This is ridiculous. They’re babies. They can’t possibly understand a word you are saying. Just pick them up and let’s go. The sooner we get in the air, the sooner I can come back for Blake.”

“You stupid girl. Why do you think you have any chance with Prince Blake? You not only have one mate to compete with, you have two. One of which happens to be my granddaughter. She could kill you if she got angry enough. Whatever feelings that man had for you is long gone. You’re nobody Keira. I got what I wanted from you. Now I suggest you disappear for good before I do kill you or allow one of them to do it.” I pointed at the invaders who I have in my corner. “You on the other hand, I am going to make suffer.” I glanced at the boy, who I might add had a bit of a temper problem, before looking back at the princes.

One of them seemed to have caved. “Good little prince. Now you.”

“They have names you know.

I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter.” I signalled to one of the invaders to go and pick up the prince that had decided to finally play ball.

“Don’t you dare touch him!”

“Can somebody shut him up? He is quite annoying.”

A ferocious growl echoed around the room and everyone seemed frozen. I glanced briefly over my shoulder and saw a giant white tiger standing there. That made me turn around completely. It looked to be around five feet tall or more. It stood motionlessly with its muzzle pulled back from its sharp canine looking teeth. Black soulless eyes stared straight at me.

“Impossible,” I murmured. “You’re a legend, you don’t exist. The Tao does not exist!”

His roar had the room paralyzed. No one seemed able to or even wanted to move. We all know the legend of the Tao and what it can do.

It stalked purposefully over to the baskets and roared again and the little prince’s shield was up once more. I however will not be intimidated by the Tao or anyone else for that matter. Besides, I always have a few tricks up my sleeves.

In less than a second all the lights went out. Let’s see how long it survives without oxygen.

It didn’t last as long as I expected it to. After about ten minutes there was a huge thud. Instantly the lights were back on. At the foot of the princes’ baskets was the boy, Kai. He was curled on his side and he wasn’t breathing.

Well what do you know, I thought. He really was the vessel after all.  Interesting...

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