Chapter 10 - Reality sets in

Start from the beginning

I took the time to appreciate them. They looked so much like me. That must have been hard on her I thought.

"Alyssa is out cold. I think she should be okay for the rest of the night."

I quickly kissed each of my boys and disappeared.


The sunlight streaming through my window was what woke me up the next morning. My body ached and I groaned when I realized I had to get up and start my day. I didn't want to, just because of the fact that I had the most amazing dream last night. I missed him so much.

A little voice in the back of my head was asking what about Adrian but I brushed it aside. If I started to think about him right now it would bring up memories that I didn't think I was really ready to deal with just yet.

The house was really quiet which was unusual because normally the boys would be up my now.

I quickly made my way down the stairs hoping to check on them before going to shower.

When I got down there no one was in sight. The place was eerily quiet. I called out for Aunt Zaphaya and got no response. I did the same with Kai and still nothing. I started panicking a little, but then I heard a noise coming from a corner in the kitchen. I made my way over and came in contact with a haggard looking Zaphaya who looked like she had passed out and spent the night on the floor.

"What the hell happened to you? Where is Kai? Where are the boys?"

She still hadn't fully registered where she was yet.

"Aunt Zaphaya, where are the boys?"

When she finally came to, she bolted up right. She gave me a pained look. "She took them."

I backed up a little. "Who took who?" She could not be telling me what I think she is.

"Sofia! She came with her little army and took them. I tried to fight them off but she, she took my powers. Alyssa, she has my powers."

Her eyes met mine. "No," I whispered. I backed up further and my hands covered my mouth to prevent the sobbed that had welled up from escaping. "No..."

My whole world ended the minute she said that the Sae took my sons. I was incapable of forming any words. I sat on one of the stools and kept on shaking my head from side to side. How did this happen? I was right upstairs. I should have heard something.

You know exactly how this happened, my conscience screamed at me. You left your children without protection while you were dreaming of making love to your dead husband. I was in heat, I argued with myself. It wasn't safe to be around them.

This was my fault. I couldn't be angry with anyone else but myself. I wanted to rip Sofia to shreds and watch as the life drained from her body. She already took away my husband; she is not getting my children. If I have to walk to the end of the earth and back I will. I tried my best to rein in my anger and my tears.

"Where is Kai?"

Up to now Aunt Zaphaya had been quiet, a disbelieving look on her face.

"They took him. He tried to fight them off but it was useless. Alyssa I'm so sorry."

I didn't answer her. I became very quiet. The anger that was coursing through my vein right now was the only thing keeping me going. I wanted to curl up and die. I failed Dimitri and now I have failed our sons. Aunt Zaphaya started pacing and mumbling to herself. I was freaking out but I could not show it.

"You said she took your powers. How exactly did she do that?"

"I don't know. One minute I had them, the next I didn't."

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