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He came and sat beside me.

"Where were you??? I was looking for you". He asked me.

"Sorry I was late today".

"Nowadays you became so lazy".

"No Mr. Dennis I'm improving my health by taking rest".

"Then you can sleep. I need you to be healthy". He said caressing my head.

"I am fine Mr. Dennis". I gave him a assuring smile.

He got a call so he went to pick up the call. I was looking at the sea. Whenever I look at them I ll feel so peaceful. After 5 minutes Mr. Dennis came and sat beside me.

"Tell me Zoshi how was my birthday party last week??? He asked me.

"Mr. Dennis it was so awesome. I enjoyed a lot. What's is your age now Mr. Dennis??"

"I'm... Sweet 16".

"Ha ha Funny. Tell me your exact age".

"You should not ask age to a man".

"No you should not ask age to girls. For men you should not ask his job. For a kind information you are a men. So tell me your exact age".

"I'm 60".

"I thought you are in your late 40. But you are looking too young Mr. Dennis".

"Ya I'm always young. Zoshi what will you do if I'm".

"stop it". Before he could finish the sentence I stopped him.

"Zoshi I need to".

"Don't talk about it. You are spoiling my mood".

"Ok I won't. Wait I will come back".

I know what he is trying to tell me. If he is dead what will I do??? I can't imagine it. Because he is like a dad to me. He is my saviour. He helped me a lot to live my life. I can't loose him.

"Zoshi come here". His voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I went and sat opposite to him.

"Zoshi you are 21 now. Your parents are worried about you. I too. We need you to get married".

"Mr. Dennis I told you. I can't marry a guy without falling in love with him".

"Then love someone Zoshi".

"How can I love someone. It should happen".

"Ok Zoshi no problem. I forgot to inform you I'm going to New York to meet my son".

"Oh when are you leaving???

"Tomorrow morning Zoshi. Till I return you need to take care of the office".

"Sure I ll Mr. Dennis you can trust me".

"I trust you Zoshi".

"Mr. Dennis you have a meeting today. I'm gonna prepare for it. You better be ready".

"Ok mother". He said in a dramatic way and gave a salute. He always said that I'm like his mother because I ll order him to do works. It's weird right ordering my boss. Whenever I'm around him he feels as if he is with his mother. I felt happy at least my presence made him happy. With my own thoughts,I left his cabin with a smile plastered on my face.

After meeting I went to my home.

"Hey Zoshi can you do me a favour???

My little sweet sister. She is ready with a big plan. To ruin my evening.

My red rose{in English}Where stories live. Discover now