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Hey guys! 

Today I just wanted to talk to you guys about something that strikes really close to home: stereotyping

You guys don't know how many times people have judged me by just looking at me or finding out that I watch anime. I know you guys can probably relate, that's the sad part.

In our world, everyone has to fit a certain mold for who they are. You can't be smart and good at sports, you can't be happy if you are goth, you can't be popular if you watch anime, etc.

When people look at me they immediately classify me as a typical white girl. 

Here are some stereotypes for a typical white girl:

1. White girls are tan and have flawless skin

2. Love to hang out at Starbucks and the mall

3. Only wear brands like PacSun, Hollister, Brandy Melville, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, etc.

4. Have every single social media

5. Are stupid and suck at math

6.  Are all super flexible

First off, I am tan, but I hate it and no one has flawless skin.

Second, I only have Instagram and Snapchat.

Third, I do hang out at Starbucks and the mall, but I spend most of my free time writing for you guys <3

Fourth, I am the smartest in all of my classes and math is my best subject (sorry if that sounds like I'm bragging. I'm really not!)

And fifth, I am NOT the least bit flexible.

Then when people find out that I watch anime they give me a weird look and some people even start to avoid me just a little bit. It's so stupid! Ugh!

Here are some stereotypes for anime-watchers:

1. They are all Asian

2. They think that Japan is the best place in the world and would trade their soul to go there

3.  They are all anti-social and don't speak much

4. They wear cosplay clothing everywhere they go

5. They say things like "baka" "kawaii" and "Hai!" instead of the actual English words

6. They are crazy about their anime and if you insult it they will attack you with a knife

First off, I am not Asian, but even if I was, so what? Who cares what race you are? It doesn't matter! We are all equal!

Yeah, number two's pretty much true for me...

I am not anti-social, I am a social butterfly and I speak maybe just a teensy (A LOT) too much... But even if someone who watches anime is anti-social, it's only because real people are NOT as awesome as anime people *Axel <3*

I do not wear cosplay wherever I go. I don't even own any cosplay items *tears* but even if I did, why do others care? It's a free country (at least here in America it is) and I can dress however I want! Right guys?! 

All Inazuma Characters: YEAH!

Yes, I admit, I always call people baka and I do say kawaii and when my teacher tells me to do something I do say hai, but not everyone who watches anime does. And so what if I say some words in Japanese? I for one think that Japanese is a beautiful language along with all the others! And I find it pretty cool that I can say stuff in Japanese and sing all of the Inazuma Eleven theme songs in English, Japanese, and Italian (:

  I have never attacked anyone with a knife... I hope pointy sticks and forks don't count as knives... Hehe *giant sweat drop appears along the side of my face*

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