Chapter 2: News

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"I can't believe it. It's really you, is it?" Elliot Stabler stood before Olivia. He appeared to look a little thick since the last time she saw him. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with dark blue jeans. With open arms, he responded. "Surprise." Olivia grew a big smile on her face as she embraced Elliot without hesitation. "This is a surprise. A big surprise actually!" "Yes it is." Both stood in silence for a moment. "So," Olivia choked, "how have you been?" Elliot didn't answer right away. He had had hung his head down and judging by his body language, Olivia could tell that her question had bothered him, as if she had striked a nerve. "If you don't want to talk about it El, it's..." At that, Elliot raised his hand to stop her. "No, no Liv," he said, "It's fine." He raised his head and matched his eye level with Olivia. Elliot's blue eyes looked glossed with sadness.

"Elliot, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." "Olivia, just let me talk." Clearing his throat, Elliot tried to put on a smile. "Well", his said with his voice cracking, "I moved to California. I...uh...moved out there about a year and a half ago. Specifically I live in Chico, California. Nature. Pure nature out there. It's beautiful." Elliot drop his head once more.

"Chico, California", Olivia repeated. "Wow. I've seen photos of that place. Big skies and lots of trees. Nothing compared to this city. How is Kathy and the kids adjusting to it?" Elliott didn't move. In fact, his body tensed up. "Elliot, is everything alright?", Olivia asked. Elliot shook his head. "No", he whispered. "It hasn't been alright since a year and a half ago." Olivia's eyes grew big. "What happend, El? Are they ok?" Looking up at her, Elliot nodded. "Last I heard they were", he answered. Sighing, he began moving around the unit admiring the new painted walls. "I like how the place looks Liv. Really, it looks great. Good job."

"Uh, yeah thanks", Olivia responded. Studying him as he continued to look around, she had a feeling that something had gone wrong between Elliot and his family. She knew it wasn't going to get anywhere if she brought it up. 'He'll talk about it when he wants to' she thought to herself.

She noticed that Elliot was right in front of her office door. Looking back at her, he asked, "May I?" Olivia smiled. "Sure. Go right on in." She walked towards the office as well as he walked in slowly. "Wow", he said in astonisment. "Looks like you're really doing great in charge!" Olivia chuckled. "It can be a hassle at times, but I think I'm doing ok." Nodding with approval, Elliot walked around her desk. He noticed a photo of a baby. Picking up the frame, he took a moment to study it. "Who's this little fella?", he asked without taking his eyes off the picture. Olivia hesitated. "Well, um, that little fella is my son." Suddenly, Elliot shot his head up. He was surprised by her answer. "Son?" Olivia nodded. "Yup. His name is Noah." Elliot smiled . "You're finally a mom, Liv! That's great. Congrats." " Thanks." Elliot placed the frame back on the desk. "I'm impressed." Olivia smiled.

"So Elliot, how long are you in town for?" Now Elliot had a serious expression across his face. "That's one of the reasons why I'm out here. I need you to take on a case for me, Liv." Confused, Olivia asked, "What kind of case?" Elliot paused for a moment before responding. With a huge sigh, he answered, "The murder of Jenna Fox. The girl I shot down on my last day on the job."

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