Chapter 2

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Brandon's pov.
It was finally Friday and i was planning out my outfit for today. I decided on some chaki pants and a white t-shirt to go with my white converse.

When i finally finish getting ready i head over to Jesus's house, which is where we were suppose to meet, i ring the bell about 2 times before Mariana opens the door. "Oh hey brandon" she says as she pulls me in for a hug. "Come in" she says moving aside.

"Thanks, Uhmm where's Jesus?" I ask curiously. "Oh he's in the kitchen with Callie." She says leading me to the kitchen. " Have you met callie?" She asks stopping in her tracks. " Uhmm no i dont think so." I say trying to remember if i have. "Good cause your gonna meet her right now" she's says smiling.

As we reach the kitchen i see Jesus talking to who I think is Callie. "Hey bro" he says getting up and giving me a bro hug. " hey man" i say smiling. "I dont think you've met her but this is Callie, Callie this is my best friend Brandon". When i see her i get lost in her beautiful brown eyes, her beautiful brown curly hair. Everything.

Callie's pov.
Same scene:

"I dont think you've met her but this is Callie, Callie this is my best friend Brandon." I get lost in his green eyes, and his brown curly hair. I can't help but notice how he's looking at me. I'm at lost of words until he finally speaks.

"Hi, I'm Calli- i mean Brandon. I'm brandon " he says getting red of embarrassment. " I'm callie, nice to finally meet you" i say shaking his hand. I still couldn't help but notice how he started to blush. I found it kinda cute.

After a whole minute of silence Jesus finally broke the silence. He stared talking about wht we were gonna do today but the whole time Jesus was explaining, Brandon never looked away from me.

Brandon's pov.

I couldn't stop looking at her. She was just so beautiful. Everything about her. It's like something inside me sparked. I was so distracted by her that I didnt notice Jesus was asking me a question.

"Brandon, brandon" he called snapping his fingers. " what, sorry i uhh was dazing off." I say getting red from embarrassment again. "Yeah, ok. We'll just say that." He says knowing that thats not what was distracting me.

Mariana's pov.

Omg! Jesus is telling us what the plan is for today and i can totally notice Brandon and callie making eye contact. I look at brandon and see him smiling at her and i look at callie and see her smiling back too.

" okay so brandon, you and callie are gonna meet me and Mariana in the ally behind the school." He notices that brandon isn't listening and tries to snap him out of it.
"Brandon, brandon" he tries getting Brandon's attention. Jesus looks at me smiling.

Wow. This is gonna be a good day.

Sorry for this short chapter. I promise to make the next one extra long. Tell me how I'm doing thoe :)

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