Chapter 1

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Well allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Brandon Jacobs and I'm in love with my best friend.. Yeah, I've been hooked since 9th Grade.

And I know you're thinking, "He's was like 15. He doesn't know anything about love." But I actually knew more than you think.

You see my parents have been together for about 27 years now. And I'm currently 24. I knew at the age of 12 what true love was.

My parents had that vibe. You know, that vibe, when you can see the love oozing off of them? Well my parents still have that to this day. And you can see it in their eyes, in the way they smile and talk with each other. Its astonishing. I've always wanted that. Every since I was 10, I've longed for that love. And still hadn't found it yet....

Until 8th grade. Yeah, I finally scored me one! It was the best feeling ever. I had asked out the girl I'd been crushing on since the 6th grade. And she finally said yes. That whole year was filled with laughter, smiles, late night convos, cute nicknames, etc.

And of course love..... Until that one day...

I had told her that night on the phone that I loved her and that I wanted to spend my life with her....... and she hung up. So I thought that the connection failed or something..

So, Young and naived me walked into class to find my girlfriend and get answers. So I found her and asked her about what happened. She had no clue but told me that she heard me and I got something back....

An "I love you too!"

My heart went into overdrive!!!❤ And that whole day I walked around giddy as hell. Then when it was time to go home, I started to look for her so I could walk her home, as usual...

Just to find her behind the school with another guy giving him head.

And that day I told her that I hoped she caught every disease under the sun because of that. And like the little bitch I was...

I ran home crying to my bestfriend.
And she told me that I wasnt a little bitch and that I was the most amazing person she's ever met and that any girl would be lucky to have me. She said she was gonna tear the girl into shreads and She told me that that girl was stupid to not love me, and that if no else loves me then she does....
And that next day she did beat the crap out of her. And told her to never approach me again.

And in that moment I fell!!!

Hi people.

Okay everyone this is the first chapter. How do ya like it loves??
Who thinks Brandon is a sweetheart?? I low key wanted to name him Chris but idk.... I think Brandon fits for Leon Thomas III

I think this book is gonna be a success. But it won't be long. Its a short story. And I would love it if you vote, comment, share it please.

Yours truly,

Kay/ Gratata

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