Ch. 2 - Napkin Doodles

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"Hon, Owen's here!" My mom yells as I look at myself in the mirror. I grabbed my bag and headed out my bedroom door to downstairs. I hear my mother laughing at what seems like a joke Owen might have told. Owen was the best at making jokes. Sometimes even at a bad timing. 

I finally arrived in the kitchen to see what was the laughing all about. Owen is telling my mother the time he found a clown's costume stuck in his tire during the school carnival last year. I had to admit, that was pretty funny.

Owen finally came to realize that I waiting for him to finish the story.

"Ready?" he asked with a grin.

"Ready," I answered.

Owen and I were going to the new bookstore across town. Owen is a major bookworm and when he starts reading a book, he won't stop reading 'til he finishes at least  half of the book. But he always comes back later to finish it. I swear that he reads a book a day. I don't blame him, I like reading too, but not as crazy as Owen. 

I barged open the front door, which makes this annoying creaking noises which gives everyone headaches, and hopped into Owen's gray toyota that he received for his 16th birthday, and slammed the door shut. I know his car is brand new but it was an accident.

Owen gave me a dirty look. 

"Sorry," I say with my head facing down.

I watched Owen jog to the driver's side of the car. He hopped onto the gray leather seat, which is more comfortable than it sounds, buckled up, and jammed the key into the ignition. 

"Okay...," he sings under his breath. I could tell he was excited. I never actually seen anybody who was excited for a grand opening of a book store. But Owen says this isn't any  book store. It's the book store of the decade. But really, it's just a way bigger version of our local public library, but you buy books instead of borrow them. Owen does not say the new book store; he uses its full name, so in this case, the book store of the decade is 'Wren's Noble Paperback'.

If you take a good look in Owen's bedroom, there are books jammed into a corner of his room. I always tell him to get rid of some but he would just ignore me. When Owen ignores me, it annoys the hell out of me. 

'Wren's Noble Paperback' was just a couple blocks away. I was actually surprised it was that close and didn't notice the construction work for the building. 

"Here it is," Owen sings once more.

"Yup, here it is," I reply. Call me a buzzkill or not a good friend but I rather be somewhere else than here, at a book store. But Owen asked me too be here for him, and of course, as the good friend I am, I said sure.

'Wren's Noble Paperback', was surprisingly full. We had to park two blocks away.

The doors were fully made out of glass with a black outline. Owen barges through the door and I follow behind him. The book store is actually bigger inside than outside. 

"Ooo," Owen says. Owen wonders to the Science Fiction Section. 

I gazed at the ceilings which were covered art, paintings, drawings, you name it. The building was colorful and it brought me back when I was eight-years-old when I begged my dad to paint my walls in my bedroom, "Every color in the whole entire world," as I said it. My eight-year-old self who be screaming right now. The art varied from drawings of people in love to paintings of meadows and sunsets. They're all over the place. 

I twirled and giggled. Did I just giggle? I never giggle. I walked backwards as I giggled some more. 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2015 ⏰

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