My Protective Alpha Mate

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"Karma..." He muttered. I looked over at him as he smiled to himself.

"Is a bitch. And so are you!" I joked. Aiden glanced up at me and glared before he smashed a spoonful of ice cream onto my face, rubbing cheek to cheek, down to my chin, then up to my forehead. I just sat there, paralyzed.

"Try calling me that again." He joked back, leaning forward so our faces were a few inches apart. I huffed and grabbed a napkin to wipe my face off. Only to fake him out so it seemed like I wasn't going to strike. But when he wasn't paying attention, I flung a spoonful of ice cream onto his face. It hit him on the nose and eye.

I broke out laughing, moaning lightly as my ribs protesting in pain. But it was too funny. Aiden took the ice cream in his mouth when it slid down to his lips. "Hmmm. Cookie dough." His eyes gleamed with lust and humor.

"You look handsome with ice cream on your face!" I giggled, reaching over to clean it. He stayed still, obviously liking my actions as he purred again.

Summer had a dream: To major in photography and travel around the world with her sister. Problem? She has an abusive father that won't give her up for the life of him. And when she meets Aiden, the leader of a pack sworn to kill rouges (which Summer and her family are) and becomes his mate, the trouble doubles. In love, what will Summer do? Stay tuned.

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