Happiness and Peace -A Blackinnon One-Shot-

Start from the beginning

'Thank you, Tobbly -and everyone else.' said Sirius, standing up slowly. 'I wish we had you as a house elf rather than that grumpy, no-good-for-nothing Kreacher.'

Tobbly seemed to blush once more. She looked to the beige marbel flooring and murmured a 'Thank you.'

Sirius left the kitchen and rushed up the stairs, minding the trapped staircase. He made his way to the Quidditch pitch, which was behind the castle and a few minutes far by foot.

Most people were present for the big Ravenclaw-Gryffindor game. There was a lot of pressure since Gryffindor losing meant falling behind Hufflepuff and having no chance to win the cup this year.

Remus and Peter had saved him a seat between them. It wad a good place, quite high where the Quidditch pitch was in fine sight. He thanked his friends lazily. His crooked smile was present, as always. He knew that James had a lot of pressure on him. It will be quite the game, the boy thought to himself.

Gryffindor players were entering the pitch, brooms on their shoulders. He saw James with a huge smile on his face, waving to the Gryffindors. I know that smile, he grinned, ahh, you are so nervous, aren't you, Prongs?

Sirius looked at his friends and saw that Remus was thinking the same thing as he did. Peter, on the other hand, appeared to be quite clueless.

There was a huge outburst as the Ravenclaw players entered the pitch: Hufflepuff's were supporting them since they were bitter still that they had lost last weekend's game to Gryffindor, and the few Slytherins watching the game also wanted Ravenclaws to win out of sheer spite.

Ravenclaw's team captain was a Seeker and quite good at it. She was very determined. A little too determined, Sirius thought. It was known that she got hostile every time she lost -wether it be a Quidditch game or a simple History of Magic test. Her and Remus were quite the frenemies.

The game started with a loud whistle. The Quaffle was in Gryffindor's hands. A quick goal came as the Gryffindors cheered.

'Tedkins from Ravenclaw has the Quaffle now! Passes to Grant! Passes to Noah! And -ten points! Both teams have ten points five minutes into the game!' was heard from the downside of the Quidditch pitch. Jonah Stuartson from Slytherin was talking them through the game.

Sirius' eyes caught Marlene McKinnon. She was high above the area where the game was being played, looking for the tiny golden ball. Her dirty blonde hair had been put into a high, messy ponytail. She looked like she hadn't brushed her hair in two weeks. She was sitting straight on her old broom. She takes this a wee bit too seriously, thought the boy.

Just then, he saw something in Marlene's eyes. Her posture had changed completely. She gave a quick gaze towards Gryffindor's seeker. He was a thirteen-year-old who had joined the team this year. He stands no chance. Sirius thought to himself with worry. She had been playing this position for Ravenclaw since second grade.

Stuartson had seen what Sirius saw, too. 'McKinnon seems to have seen something that Gryffindor's seeker Will Tolliati hasn't!' he shouted. Marlene was clearly angry with this declaration -she didn't want Will on her back.

She was flying faster than Sirius had ever seen in a school Quidditch game, as Will Tolliati tried desperately to reach the Snitch.

'Ravenclaw wins the game in seven minutes! Gryffindor has lost their chance with the cup this year!' Stuartson announced as Marlene landed on the ground. Her face had brightened with a victorious smile as she held the Golden Snitch up high. She was screaming with joy.

Wow, thought Sirius to himself. She loves to win. Quite impressive, actually. Finding joy in being the centre of attention for all the right reasons. Something I can never accomplish. His crooked smile got wider as he realised that he loved attention like her and was determined to get it as much as she was. She is quite pretty, too.

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