As I was walking past her, she stared at me angrily then her face shriveled up in pain. A few seconds later, her fucking water broke all over my brand new Giuseppe Zanotti booties. I glared at her and the nasty ass liquid of my shoes.


"Jayceon, the baby is coming!" She screamed.

"What? It's a whole month early!" He yelled back, about to panic.

"Nigga get her to the hospital, the baby obviously didn't want to wait a whole month." I said, shrugging.

He picked her up bridal style and carried her downstairs. I made Ky grab her stuff, then we left. Anya was yelling at Jayceon about something when he were pulling off but I didn't hear her. I hope that baby ain't his.

Let me stop, I take that back.

I drove to Rich's house with Ky in the backseat humming to a song. When I pulled up she got excited because her and Alicia are bestfriends. We knocked on the door and waited patiently. Soon enough, a woman opened the door.

"Hey, um is Rich here?" I asked her.

"Why?" She asked with attitude.

"You have to be kidding me.." I mumbled. "Is he here or not?" I asked her.

"No, he's not."

"That's all you had to say." I said, grabbing Ky's hand. What's with everyone giving me attitude today?

I drove home and made Ky sit in the living room to watch Dora while I went to go take a nice long shower.

10 Hours Later

My phone rung, waking me up from my sleep. I sat up and turned my lamp on before grabbing my phone to see who it was. It was Jayceon calling me. Why the fuck is he calling me, when his girlfriend just had his baby?

"Hello?" I answered.


"What Jayceon? Why are you calling me, tend to your girlfriend and your newborn please!" I snapped.

"The fucking baby ain't mines Nae, the bitch cheated on me." He spoke lowly. Shit, my dumbass must've jinxed it!

"Are you serious right now?"  I asked, hoping he was joking.

"Yes man, I wouldn't play about no shit like that. I can't believe the nerve of that hoe."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked him. He'd already woke me up so I might as well stay up so we cant talk about his feelings.

"Yeah, I'm outside of your house so come open the door." He said, hanging up before I had the chance to protest. His ass knew exactly what he was doing, he's not slick.

I jogged downstairs in nothing but some yellow booty shorts and a white tank top. No we're not going to have sex, especially at a time like this.

I opened the door and he walked in. He walked upstairs to my bedroom, took off his shoes, undressed down to his basketball shorts, then he laid down in my bed.

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