Chapter 10

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1 Month Later

Everything has been going smoothly. With school and with Jayceon. We've been on a couple of more dates, but we're still not officially together. He's taking forever to ask me to be his girlfriend but I'm not rushing him.

As me and Leah got closer, me and Anya drifted apart. She started hanging with the hoes of the school and that definitely wasn't my type of crew so we went out separate ways. It's funny because last school year Anya was nothing like that, I don't know what the hell happened to that girl.

Me and Leah talked about what happened that day at my house and we agreed to never speak of it again. She's in a relationship with the dean of the schools son and they're really happy with each other.

My grades are still at the top and I'm proud to say that I'm at the top of my Biology class. Not because I'm messing around with the teacher, but because I work hard for my grades.

Me and Jayceon are having dinner at my house after school and I can't wait. I plan to have sex with him and I refuse to take no for an answer, I have needs and he hasn't been fulfilling them all the way. I mean sure he gives me some occasional head with his helicopter tongue, or he fingers me but I want the real thing. Tonight, I'm determined to get that.

If you guys are wondering if I'm a virgin or not, then no..I'm not. But I'm not going to go into detail of how I lost my virginity. I gave it to a scumbag who I thought loved me in high school, but he  was just after one thing. He left as soon as he got it.

"Mr. Taylor, may I be excused for this class period? I don't feel well and I really need some rest." I lied. I have to leave early so I can start cooking.

"Sure Naomi, just make sure you get your work from today made up." He said. He's going to bring my work when he comes to my house after class.

"Okay, I will. Bye Leah." I waved to her as I left out the classroom. I saw Anya eyeing Mr. Taylor but I paid it no mind, he's going to be with me after school. Not her.

I made my way home and started cooking. I decided to make some soul food since we always eat fancy dinners any other time. I'm making some fried chicken, some green beans, and some mashed potatoes. I made my famous sweet tea to go with it. While the food was cooking I went to my room to change clothes.

I put on a red lace bra and some matching lace panties. I remember Jayceon saying his favorite color is red, so that's what I'll be wearing tonight. I put on a silk grey short robe and I put my hair up into a ponytail. I sprayed on my Pink Chiffon perfume that Jayceon admires and went back to the kitchen.

As I was stirring the mashed potatoes so that they were creamy, I heard the doorbell ring. I went to answer it with a big smile on my face. I swung the door open, revealing Jayceon in the shirt and jeans he'd wore to school looking sexy as hell. That outfit is going to be coming off soon.

"Hey baby." I said, kissing his lips. He rubbed on my booty as we lip locked for at least another 5 minutes. I was about ready to skip dinner and have him for dessert, but I'm going to have to butter him up some way.

"What's under that robe babygirl?" He asked, loosening one of the strings. I quickly tightened it back up and giggled.

"You can see after dinner Jayceon." I said.

I led him to the dining room and sat him down at the head of the table. I went to the kitchen and piled two plates with food. Then I got two cups and filled them with the sweet tea. I put everything on a tray and brought it to the dining room.

"Finally, some real food. All that pasta and fancy shit was cool, but a nigga been yearning for a meal like this." He said, digging.

I laughed and started eating my food because I was the exact same way. No words were exchanged while we both stuffed our faces. I must admit I did a great job on this, next time I'll make a Haitian meal just so he can taste what kind of food I grew up eating.

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