CS Worlds Apart- Chapter 2

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About that? Was I happy about that?

No. No, I was not happy about that. Give me five minutes of life and try to instill some sense of fulfillment? Ha! Not happy. Not fulfilled.

I felt myself begin to seep through those thoughts, sinking in as my annoyance gave me a voice again.

"How about... the demon?" The tired, mostly-dead part of me rambled on as I felt myself slowly pulse back to life, slowly realize that I couldn't just let this be done. I didn't like the demon. I wasn't happy about the demon. It was more than a little ridiculous that some stupid, fat-headed demon thought it could just shove me around and take what it wanted. Anger, frustration gave me a very basic mental form, gave power back to my actions. It almost felt like I hadn't been brunch. As I looked around for some demon to strangle, the world suddenly went pitch black.

It felt like I was somewhere again. I looked around in this completely dark world before I saw it: a light. Pure white, it seemed to zigzag around in the sky, burning through the world as it tore it apart. I followed it, watched it as - just like the demon - it seemed to notice me. The light went absolutely nuts, darting left and right all over the sky before finally stopping above my head. Worried something like before would happen again, I tried to take a few steps away. The light followed.

"I wonder what-" The light suddenly rocketed down, slamming around me like a column of water and catching me in it, screaming out in pain. It felt like little knives were paring me apart, disintegrating me once again as I tried to escape, walls of light solid and impassible. Thrashing back and forth, my fading body suddenly locked up, unmovable. A pressure sat on my chest, squeezing the life out of me as my breath became choppy and pained, giving me less and less room to breathe. I swore that'd be the end to this all.

Then, without reason, it let go.

Pupils rattling in my head, my body desperately tried to explain what was going on. Something trickled down my hand: a droplet of water. My eyes darted to my other hand, dripping wet as well. I was entirely soaked, head to soul.

Splatters of color began to apply themselves to the environment around me as it took form, defining the corners of a large room. It was a house, a living room bursting forth from the white light and nothingness. As if watching a negative slowly develop, my eyes darted to the details as they became dark enough to see.

I was... alive?

"What, round two? Haven't we had enough fun yet?" Someone asked tensely, voice low like they were insulted and exhausted - it sounded like a man. My eyes tried to lock onto the figure that spoke up, nothing but a ball of wisps and curves, mostly hollow. A larger man stood behind him, looking vaguely in my direction while he talked with a mother and her child. I pushed my body to make a move, to investigate what they were saying, to try and get a bearing on what had just happened. I was locked in position, immovable. I cringed: the water made it feel like my whole body was on fire.

My jaw was locked tight, unable to move, unable to turn my head or body any position other than how I awoke. I could feel the water on my face and did my best to twitch my head and shake it off. The first voice spoke again, laughing.

"Aww, does that hurt? It does? Well, good." Struggling to breathe as the man chuckled, I could barely tell he was dancing around like a proud dolt in front of me. "That's exactly what you deserve for attacking these people here. Demons like you deserve nothing but agony above ground, where you're not wanted."

He laughed, stepping close to my face before delivering a quick, arrogant slap. Confused, frustrated, I coughed out a wheeze of pain - I hadn't done anything. There must've been some mix-up, some...mistake. I began to grow more frustrated, confused and angry. I could see the environment around me now: the couch, the pale sunlight from the windows, what looked to be early morning outside as it stretched across the floor - everything. The only thing left was this violent little ball of annoyance.

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