"Of course it is," Kate reasoned, "But it's still a whole month away from everyone. Anyone close to you is going to worry. And contrary to what you believe, but that boy is hopelessly enamored with you."

Leigh sighed, knowing that they were right. She steeled herself to tell him the news so soon after spilling her guts to him.

So when he picked her up in his slick Tesla the next afternoon, she put it off. He looked like the sun. Anthony was glowing when he leaned over the center console to kiss her hello, his absolute sunniness blinding her temporarily. She didn't want to kill his mood, so she decided to wait a little longer.

She was pretty nervous already. It was one thing to see his friends and teammates in snapchats of his and another thing to meet them. In person. She'd have to speak and be friendly and likeable.

"You okay?" He asked, one hand on the steering wheel and one hand resting lightly on her thigh. His palm felt hot against her bare leg and she briefly regret wearing a dress. It was a casual shirt dress and she had thrown a cardigan on over her bare arms. It was pretty fancy for someone who usually just wore sweatpants, but Kate had helped her style an outfit to wear and still look effortlessly cool.

"Yeah, just nerves." She shrugged, forcing herself to be casual about the whole thing.

Anthony just smiled over at her, "Is it weird that I kinda am nervous too? I know that they'll like you but I just hope you like them."

Leigh's mouth dropped open a little but she gave him a small smile in return, "They're your friends— and I happen to know you're a pretty good judge of character."

The ride was a short one and he pulled into a parking garage for a large apartment complex. It didn't look special from the outside but she peeked at the makes of cars as they passed them and she blanched at the luxury brands. Finally, Anthony parked in between an Audi and a McLaren (which she gazed at longingly, only having seen one at a car show).

Leigh had battled with herself the entire ride but held back when they both got out of the car, "Hey, I have uh, good news."

"Why does that seem like bad news?" Anthony studied her face in the garage, approaching her and gently grabbing one of her hands.

"Because I don't know how you'll react."


"I got this internship that requires me to be away the entire month of November. It's a paid internship and I really really wanted the position." Leigh breathed out and looked up to see Anthony smiling.

"Why would I have a problem with that?"

"I, I don't know? I mean, that's a long time to be gone and have little contact. I didn't know if you'd— I just didn't know."

"Leigh, this is your life. Your future. I'd never have a problem with anything like that. Even if I did— it's still your life." He said and Leigh sighed a breath of relief. Why would she think he'd react any other way? Anthony understood sacrifice for the sake of careers and he understood her need for freedom. "So are you gonna tell me what it's for?"

"Oh!" Leigh said, caught off guard by his casual tone, "You can always watch it next summer on shark week."

"No way!" He said, rushing forward and folding her into a hug. She closed her eyes as she wound her arms around him and took a moment to appreciate the great hugs that Anthony gives. They broke apart, "That's amazing. Where?"

"South Africa and Australia."

Anthony's face sobered and he spoke seriously, "For the record, Leigh, please don't feel nervous or guilty about telling me anything. We're a team, yeah?"

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