Aaron Carpenter

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Aaron💕: y/n!! Are you sleeping!!
Y/n: No i'm not sleeping.
Aaron💕 : I need to tell you something...
Y/n: You can tell me now?
Aaron💕: Y/n I really like you and I know tht we are bestfriends but I wanna be more than bestfriends. 😘
Y/n: Aaron I don't know what to say... 😕
Aaron💕: It's ok if you wanna be just friends!
Y/n: No Aaron I like you too! And ofcourse I wanna be more than friends!😘💍
Aaron💕: Yayyy!!! 😘 Can I come over we can watch a scary movies and order a pizza? 😍😘
Y/n: Yes you can ! And yeah sure today we gonna have a lazy day! 😍😘
Aaron💕: Okay I will be there in 15 minute! Love you 😘💍
Y/n: Love you too! 😘😍💋❤️

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