The First Day

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Mariah walks into school the first day, disgusted by everyone as usual. She doesn't pay attention to anyone but herself and walks into homeroom. She sits down in the back of the room and starts listening to her music, wowza look everybody I hate is here. But on the other side of the story, Zara comes into school excited and loud as usual. Everybody is saying hi to her and gives her hugs and glory. But all she is thinking about is where is Mariah? As casual as she could be about the topic she brings up in the conversation with her friends "haha yeah, so what homeroom is Mariah in? I didn't see her yet so I really don't know". Everybody is looking at her weird, uh what is she talking about isn't she suppose to be worried about Charley? Zara then realizes how awkward that was and walks to homeroom. She walks in and sees Mariah in the back of the classroom, trying to get the camera to work. Wow I didn't realize how cute she looks when she's frustrated Zara starts thinking more and more about Mariah but has to snap out of it before anyone notices. Zara tries to get the confidence to go up and start a conversation,

One step

Two steps

Four steps

Almost there, okay what am I gonna say

She starts talking "uh, hey Mariah how was you summer"
Mariah looks up and suddenly a burst of joy comes out of her, finally someone I like, omigod is zara actually talking to me after all this time what?!? Okay act cool Mariah act cool.
"My summer was pretty good overall I kinda missed y- I mean everyone" Mariah says blushing she changes the topic real quick "but wow everything feels exactly the same I thought things were gonna be different."
Zara was about to say something but then ms.prizzi walks in loudly and obnoxiously says "Well Halloooo class, ready for another amazing year? You guys can take any seat any the room I don't keep a seating chart, let's get started!!!"

Zara looks at Mariah thinking that they would probably sit next to each other since they're friends, but Mariah already is walking to the seat in the back not paying any attention to Zara, should I sit in the back with her? No, people would think something is up maybe is should ju-
"Hey zara come sit with me." Says Charley's best friend Kayla "ugh there's that freak Mariah why are you even talking to her"
Don't you even dare talking about Mariah like that you thot, Zara tries to keep that thought in the back of her mind and says "oh I was just trying to be nice,say a few good things to everybody." Zara quickly sits down next to Kayla.

Ms.prizzi says after everybody is seated "okay let me quickly go through everyone's jobs before we start the announcements

Mariah and Neha cameras 1 &2

Zara and Kayla you guys are the anchors until February

And Chris and Jett cameras 3 &4

Now that you all know your jobs let's get started! You all know what to do"

Ready. Set. Action.

Zara starts the fist announcement with "Good morning loch raven academy, I'm your host Zara-"
Kayla cuts in with "And I'm your other host Kayla." She says with that ugly ass smile of hers. When they finish all of the announcements Ms.Prizzi gathers them up and had a huge smile on her face.
"You guys did so good! I believe that we will have such an amazing year if we keep the professional work up!"
The bell rings and every gets there stuff and walks out of the studio. Zara and Mariah are suddenly right next to each other walking and they are quiet for a minute, but then Mariah says "Sooooooo, what class do you have first?" Zara surprised that Mariah is even trying to be friendly blurts out " "Oh um I have gym fir-"
"YESSSS!!!!!" Mariah screams. Mariah starts getting as red as a tomatoe and tries to cover that up and says "Sorry I have gym too haha."
"" Zara says nodding her head up and down while doing her signature smile. They walk to the gym and sit down on the bleachers, right next to eachother. There legs are touching but they both don't move so the other one doesn't think that they notice it, even though they both do. Zara sits there so suprised is this, turning me on? No it can't be, I Can't be THAT attractive to her. Ugh stop it Zara stop it! just. Act. Cool
Zara tries to move past that and they see Owen and Nadie racing each other up the bleachers towards Zara and Mariah. Ms. Fedararo screams to them to stop running on the bleachers. Nadie rolls and eyes and holds up the middle finger towards her and they walk the rest of they way towards Zara and Mariah.
"Heyyyy Zariah." Nadie says with a smirk on her face. Nadie strongly ships Zariah, she tries to get them together whenever she can. Zara and Mariah act like they don't like it but they both know they do, even if they don't want to admit it. Owen brings up conversation and says "So how was all of your summers?" Nadie jumps in with " Well I bet you know exactly how Mariah's summer went. I mean you guys did hang out literally every day of the summer. Likes you guys were dating or something." Everyone gives Nadie a death stare and she says "Okay, okay sorry haha I was just playing. You guys definitely know I don't ship that...thing. but you guys know what I do ship." She smirks again and this time she stands up on the bleachers and scream as loud as she can "ZARIAHHHHHHHHHHHH"
"Shut the fuck up Nadie!" Mariah says looking away quickly blushing. God why did I just do that! Now Zara probably thinks I'm not into the ship, or her...
Gym class was gonna be just sitting on the bleachers talking in the corner while ms.fedararo gives the code of conduct for gym and gives locker combinations.
Owen calls over Nadie and says "Ayo my hoe come over here."
Nadie walks over to the other side of the bleachers and says to him "ughhhh you made my drag my fat but flawless ass all the way over here so this better be important."
Owen says "okay, well. I've heard so shit about zariah."
Nadie is speechless for a minute, she's afraid that he found out what happened over the summer between Mariah and Zara. She glances towards the locker room "...okay and?"
"Is it true?" he whispers in her ear "Did they kiss over the summer?"
She didn't think twice she grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the boys locker room. "How the fuck did you find out?" She says with anger in her eyes. "Tabby told me." She turns away from him and punches the wall with fury "GOD DAMMIT." She screams, her voice traveling throughout the locker room. Gosh tabby is of course gonna tell him
"Are you made at her?" He asked.
"No I'm not I'm just, grrrrr."she says squinty her eyes at him.
"Okay well now you have to tell me everything."
"Fine but I swear to god if you fucking tell ANYONE I will fucking slit your throat."
"Ok fine."

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