Chapter 2 Take That!

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She had disappeared so quickly. I knew she felt something when our hands touched I could see it in her emerald eyes and that's why I had pulled away, I had felt it too. It scared me. Who was this girl that had made my heart stop? And where was she going to now?

I lived through four periods and brunch before lunch time rolled around. I found Alex and got into the lunch line. They were serving a really nice salad today so that's what I went after first. I got a milk and me and Alex started walking over to our table. We sat down. I started on my salad when the saw the boy from my morning class entered the cafeteria. I swallowed what I was chewing before I spoke.

"Who's blue hoodie boy?" I asked Alex. Pointing at him and raising my eyebrows in suspicion.

She looked over and responded unsurely.

"I don't know."

After lunch we split up to go to our last two periods. I walked with my earbuds in the whole time listening to music, my head bobbing up and down to the beat. When I got in class I put my headphones away and sat down pulling out my notebook. My science teacher was named Mr. Foreigner. He was a hippie environmentalist who loved the the song "Juke Box Hero" by the band Foreigner. You understand why. "So class!" He shouted above the excessive chattering in the room. "Today we're going to be reading chapter ten, it's on how the human races garbage is affecting the earth and what happens when you don't dispose of it properly." I zoned out for the rest of the period Mr. Foreigner's words became muffled and slurred as I faded away from the conversation. Finally the bell rang and I raced out of the room to go to my next class. It was finally my last class of the day. I went in and sat down breathing a sigh. My last class was photography and it was my favorite. Our teacher Mrs. Parker instructed us to pull out our cameras. I grabbed both of mine out of my backpack. I had a knack for taking really good old-school photos so I brought my polaroid camera today just incase I get any good photo opportunities. Mrs. Parker told us to leave all our stuff here and to just bring our cameras with us out onto the quad. I slung the straps of both of my camera cases over my shoulder and gently placed my cameras back inside of them. I got up from my seat and started heading over to the door like everyone else. Once we exited out into the hallway Mrs. Parker made us promise not to disturb other classes. Just before she let us go willie nilly down the hallway and out into the quad a student came running down the hall and stopped right in front of our class group.

  It was him. The boy in blue.

He strutted over to Mrs. Parker out of breath and handed her his schedule. She looked it over. "Everything seems to be in order." "What would you like me to call you sweetheart?" "So I could mark it down." "It's just your preference." She asked. He spoke without hesitation. "Just call me blue." "Blue?" Mrs. Parker repeated. "Yeah." He said politely. "Blue?" I whispered. What kind of nickname was that? She marked it down on her roister. "Your going to need a partner blue." She popped her head up and put it on a swivel looking for a partner to pair him with. I sank back into the crowd of kids in the hallway making my appearance small trying to keep my head down so she wouldn't notice me. And let's just say that it didn't work. At all. Not one bit.

"Evangeline!" Mrs. Parker cried.

Shit! I said internally.

"You've been in this class before why don't you come help blue for today?" I sighed quietly and then raised my head and put on a fake smile and tried to sound cheery. "Sure thing Mrs. Parker." I said happily, sliding my fingers through my caramel brown hair. I moved across the hall to stand beside him. "Ok!" Mrs. Parker said clapping her hands together. "Proceed outside please!" And we all followed her instructions spilling out into the quad.

Once we were outside Mrs. Parker gave us one final instruction. "These pictures along with all the other pictures that you will be taking this month will be presented at the end of the month in a collage or a PowerPoint." "Understand?" She asked everyone. We all nodded.

"Ok!" "Get started!" She yelled. And we were off.

Everyone spread out in different directions all over the quad. "Where do you want to go to take the first picture?" I asked him. "Not sure." He said sarcastically. "Where do you want to go to take the pictures Macbeth?" He asked sarcastically back, referring to the book we read this morning in English. His words caught me off guard. "Do not call me that." He gave me a crooked smile. "Call you what?" He said innocently, I made a face at him. "You've been warned." He let out a light laugh. I looked around for a moment before pointing at a group of trees. "How about over there." "Sure." He said lazily. We casually walked in that direction, neither of us making any kind of effort in attempting to start a conversation.

  Once we got over to the tree I pulled the case off of my camera. Turning it on I raised the camera to take a test shot. I snapped a picture of a tree. It came out clear as day. Beautiful. I thought. I lowered my camera and looked to the right to see blue hoodie boy staring at me. He quickly everted my gaze. I smiled in spite of myself making my cheeks blush a rosy red color. I looked around again through my lens looking for something beautiful to capture. And there it was right in front of me sitting on a table. "Blue." As he so called himself was looking off into the distance at something. Not wanting him to notice I quick snapped a pic of him and moved on.

I smiled to myself. She thinks that she's so clever. I wasn't looking at her when she took the picture but there's windows around our courtyard that are on the outside of the classrooms. They must clean them well because I saw her take the snapshot but for now I'll let her believe that I have no idea about the picture.

Mrs. Parker started to call us inside because the period was ending. I got up off the table and took my camera with me blue followed behind me getting a little to close as I scrolled through the few pictures that I had took. I was walking slowly until I suddenly felt hands clasp around my shoulders and jerk me to the side, I slightly lost my balance but whoever it was helped steady me. I looked up just in time to see that I had just barley missed being plowed over by a girl with a giant box in her hand. "Be careful." A voice said behind me. I turned around slightly to see blue with a worried expression on his face. "Sorry, thank you." I said quietly trying to hide my blushing, my skin burned warmly where his hands were touching my shoulders filling me up inside with something I have never felt before. I stood there awkwardly for a few seconds waiting for him to let me go. "Oh, uh, sorry" he said behind me as he let go his hands slipping away from my skin. I sighed and started walking again towards our classroom but this time instead of looking at my camera I kept my eyes staidly forward so I wouldn't make an even bigger fool of myself.

Once we got inside I put my camera back in its case and carefully placed it in my backpack. Blue was watching me the entire time carefully keeping track of my every movement. I tried to ignore him as best as I could as I packed up but like always he was distracting me. I smiled to myself and huffed quietly. Two could play at this game, I slowly slid off my jacket exposing the shirt I had on underneath and I ruffled my hair letting it cascade down my back. I herd his slight intake of breath, it was small and you'd never hear it unless you were listening for it. Take that! I thought as the bell rang, and everyone poured out into the hall. I walked out slowly letting blue watch as I strutted confidently down the hallway out into the courtyard where I met up with Alex and we started to head home.

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