Chapter Two

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*** To me, the actress who best plays Mattie's birth mother is Holly Marie Combs ***

I'd had a vision of woman sitting in a field with her little boy and her baby. I'd thought they were ghosts at first, that the woman didn't know they were dead. She'd been so upset when I asked her about the children's father. Was the little girl me? Had I seen myself when I was just a little baby? That woman was my mother?

So many questions rattle around in my head. What had I actually seen? Was it a vision or maybe I'd seen inside my mother's mind? Zeke said she was in a catatonic state and no one had been able to reach her because she blamed herself for my kidnapping.

Or so we'd all thought. According to Doc, my mother had sent me away with the woman who'd raised me. My head hurt trying to sort out all the secrets. Maybe Claire had told the Doc that my mother sent me away and that was the only truth he knew. Seriously, who in their right mind would admit to kidnapping?

One thing didn't make sense. If my mother sent me away, then why would she have collapsed into a catatonic state? Zeke said her guilt drove her nuts, but why feel guilty if she was trying to save me?

I need to go see Melissa. If I could talk to her in my dreams, then maybe she'd hear my voice and realize I wasn't gone anymore, that I was home. Or maybe she was so far gone, no one could reach her. Either way, I want to try. She's my family and I'd grown up in the foster care system with no one. I am not about to just forget her because she's got some mental issues.

Dan is still passed out, so I close the album and go back downstairs to find Zeke. He's in his office, cell phone in hand, pacing. He sounds frustrated and more than a little irritated. There's a cold bite to his voice that sends shivers down my spine. He never uses this tone around me and I can see the man everyone tried to warn me about, the ruthless man who has done very bad things.

"I told you, Mama, she's not ready to see anyone yet." He pauses while he listens. "She's my daughter, and my answer is no."

Even I can hear the woman screech from over here. "Ezekial David Crane, don't you dare speak to me like that!"

Zeke's eyes close briefly and he takes a deep breathe. "I'm sorry, Mama." He listens and before he can say anything else, his mother hangs up on him. At least that's what I think she did because he stares at it nonplussed.

It's funny to see Zeke flustered. He's usually so self-assured and more than a little scary. It humanizes him.

He turns and sees me in the doorway and his expression becomes alarmed. "Is everything all right, ma petite?"

"Yeah, sorry. I didn't want to interrupt."

His aggravation comes back. "No, it is I that am sorry. My parents will not be put off anymore, especially after tonight's events. They are catching the first flight out of New Orleans this morning. I have tried to keep them from bombarding you until you get more comfortable with the situation."

"It's okay." Inside I'm freaking out at the thought of my grandparents coming to meet me, but I push it down. I have other things to worry about.

"You don't know my parents." He runs a hand over his face, much like I tend to do when I'm frustrated. It makes me smile just a little to see something we share. "We shall worry about them when they arrive. Now, ma petite, did you need something?"

I hold up the photo album. "Do you have a minute to answer some questions?"

The smile that spreads across his face tugs at my heart. I'm struck again that I have a father who loves me. It still boggles my mind.

The Ghost Files V4 Part 1Where stories live. Discover now