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I woke up that morning with a really bad headache. I looked over where I clung to dally's jacket, and it was laying beside me. I was alone in the motel room, I felt the jacket and it was cold and I felt lost without him. I got up and got dressed. After I caught a bus to the police station. I got out of the bus and walked straight up to an officer. I can hear them saying under their breath,"uhh this girl again." "You can just shut your trap you big fat loser. I'm here to visit Dallas Winston." I said scowling at him. He chuckled to himself after taking a big bite of his donut. He walked over to Dally's cell and took him to the big glass separating us. I sat down and looked up at him. "Sarah baby, your not gonna come visit me every day for the next two years are you?" I was planning on that, but I had another thing in mind. "Shut up and let me tell you somthin." I said seriously. "I'll be back here at night." I paused and looked at the cameras. "Just get ready ok." I said. I was bustin him outa here. I can't wait two hell long years, for Pete sake no way. He would be home with me tonight,safe and sound. I'll find a way.

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