"Oh, you know", James exaggeratedly batted his eyelashes at his friend. That made Victoria errupt into giggles.

"No, I don't know", Francis crossed his arms again, refusing to look at anyone at the eyes.

"Ahh but you do", Luke teased. He straightened his position, puffing out his chest like a soldier. Bruce's son bowed slightly at Torunn. "Milady", he gave her his hand. "This fellow here has the hots for you", even Luke couldn't keep a straight face as he carried on his act.

All three of them, James, Victoria, and Luke were full on laughing.

Torunn, very confused by the phrase has the hots for you, became slightly annoyed. "I do not understand", she rolled her eyes.

Francis's eyes practically shot out from their sockets. "What?!", he almost squeaked.

His tone only made them laugh harder.

"Victoria! Can you please explain?", Torunn, now irritated that they were only laughing, puffed.

Victoria sat up from her slightly bent posture, walking over to her friend as she tried to fix her face.

"Um how do I put it...", she glanced at Francis who was staring at his boots.

"Oh God...", he faintly whispered.

"Okay so. He fancies you as in he wants to be more than friends with you...", Victoria raised her brow at her friend, trailing off at her last words. She wasn't exactly sure if she understood.

A look of realization crossed Torunn's face, her eyebrows raising. She quickly looked away, but even at this angle, Victoria noticed her cheeks slightly tinting.

"Aww", she blurted out. By now, all the giggles and hysteria had died down behind them. The hallway was silent as no one said a word.

"You better get your asses up in your rooms!", Tony yelled from downstairs. You could almost see Steve's eyes rolling.

"Stark!", he snapped at him.

"I'm going to kill you all tomorrow", Francis mumbled before scurrying over to his room. He fumbled with the doorknob, slamming his door loudly as he finally entered.

"Ummm", Torunn couldn't even speak as she went for her room.

James, Victoria, and Luke all laughed one last time before parting their ways.


Surely enough, Francis did kill them. Well, in a way. Today, much like yesterday, his arrows wouldn't let anyone even come near winning. His aim, as if it weren't already good, was perfecting each day. They didn't need to announce that he held first place yet again. He was the first to be in the lead twice in a row.

And much to everyone's dismay, only the "natural born leaders", hadn't won first place. James and Victoria. They did indeed try, but someone always had a better strategy. James's inability to be first place slightly disappointed his father, who always thought first place was as good as his.

Tony just couldn't wait for Victoria to get first place, he really couldn't.

Everyone was gathered at the dining table. Training was cut an hour short today, due to yesterday's hours being a lot more longer than expected.

"I am so tired", Victoria sighed as she sat down at her place, drawing in a deep breath.

"Tell me about it", Francis winced as his sore legs slid in his chair. The plush material making them feel better already.

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