5: Family Dinner

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Servants went around the humongous table, attending to any needs the Avengers and their families had.

"Thanks", Bruce smiled at the older lady that just poured him more wine. He didn't usually drink, but he thought he could spare the occasion. From now on, him and his family were embarking in yet another journey. Except this time, he had more than just his people joining them.

"Honey, I think you should lay off the scotch now", Pepper politely smiled as she took Tony's glass from his grip.

"Yeah, you're probably right. We have training tomorrow as well", he said as he let her take the glass without protesting.

"Wait!", he took back his glass. "Last one I promise", Tony looked dearly at Pepper, working on convincing her with his look. "It's for a toast". Pepper sighed as she let him have it. Tony reached over and pecked her cheek.

"Ew! Dad! Stop!" , cried Victoria from across them. Francis and Luke snickered from beside her.

Pepper giggled as Tony leaned back.

"I swear, they act like they're teenagers! It's gross", Victoria grimaced at her plate. She looked up to see her dad stand up.

"Trust me, my father and his fellow lady are like that too", Torunn said as she pretended to puke. Victoria giggled in response.

"So you like Jane?", she asked the girl next to her.

"Very much. Jane Foster is a very good mother figure", Torunn responded as she took a sip from her own glass. Their parents made sure that none of them tried to sneak alcohol into them. Victoria nodded, glad to hear some good news.

Before she could continue on with the conversation, her father began to speak.

She didn't know if it was the alcohol in his system, or the fact that he was just in a really good mood, but he talked louder than normal.

"I would like to begin this toast by saying that I'm proud of everyone! Not just the kids for their successful first day, but to us too!", he looked around the table before speaking once again. "As parents, this was a very tough decision", he confessed as he snuck a glance at his daughter, meeting eyes.

"We're risking our biggest treasures here, but we know it's worth it. I mean, they are the kids of THE Avengers", he laughed as everyone around them, even the servants, joined him.

"Cheers! To the Next Avengers!", Victoria's dad shook his glass a bit, the ice clinking against it, before taking his final sip. He took his place next to her mom again.

The Avengers cheered as they sipped on their drinks again, clinking their glasses against one another's. Natasha and Steve shared a kiss. Bruce and Betty smiled lovingly at each other. Thor and Jane giggled like a high school couple. And Clint and Laura locked their fingers.

"Ugh our parents are so weird", shuddered Luke as he looked away from his parents.

"I know right", Francis said as he almost gagged. Torunn smiled before raising her own glass.

"Cheers to us!", she grinned as she clinked her glass to Victoria's. Victoria and the rest followed suit, all smiling together.

Once the atmosphere calmed down, everyone put their serious faces together.

"Okay Stark and Banner, explain to us how all of this works", Natasha requested as she set her fork down.
"Okay well basically every kid goes to training five days a week after home school lessons", Bruce began to explain as he unlocked his gaze from Betty's.

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