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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. The sound that haunts my nightmares. I roll out of bed to throw in the ugliest uniform known to mankind. Go figure.
I apply some makeup, not a lot, just a little mascara.I hate girls who overdue it. It's just school people save it for a wedding. I grab a granola bar, my phone, purse and I'm on my way out the door.
I pull up to school in my sweet ride. Just kidding. I waved good bye to my mom as I walked inside. I pulled out my phone as I headed to my locker. My friend Amanda had texted me, "Where are you?! Come to the commons."
I texted her back to let her know I was coming. After putting my stuff up I walked around the corner to the commons.
"Hey Julie," Amanda called.
"What's up?" I asked sitting down on one of the couches they have in the commons. She smiled at me before texting someone. Probably a boy. Amanda was gorgeous with blond hair and blue eyes that guys are constantly falling for. Boys always chase after her.
Amanda wasn't alone either. She was with John and Kaylee. They both smiled at me, and Kaylee gave me a cheery hello and John mutters a quick hey, before returning to his Clash of Clans game. Obsessed as always.
I've known John, Amanda, and Kaylee for most of my life, since I was like four. We've gone to school together the whole time, and we're pretty close.
"Are you clashing John?" I teased.
"Yep," he answered, not looking up. "Almost took over this base."
Kaylee and I watched him in amusement for a few moments. Eventually I began to look around the room.
The commons were filled with all the grades. I watched some freshman get up to give seniors their couches. The seniors never said anything, but one look from them and you move.
I should know. I was a frosh
last year. But, now a sophomore, I no longer had to bow down to seniors. Usually. If they wanted us to move, we still did.
Still laughing over the frosh, I almost didn't notice Kaylee elbowing me telling me to get my stuff.
" What?" I asked.
"Look at the time." Shoot. I have three minutes. "I gotta go. Bye!" She called before hurrying down the hall.
"What class are you going to?" John asked.
"Speech," I answered. Believe it or not, it's actually a really fun class. My teacher, Ms. Malloy, is super laid back. It's also an easy A.
"Aww. I'm going the other way for Biology," John responded.
"Oh well. Bye!" I called. He waved as Amanda and I walked off to class.
" I'm SO glad we have speech together," she said.
"Same," I looked at the clock. "But we have two minutes. Go go go!"
Giggling, we ran down the hall to our class.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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